Uh, oh . . .

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Uh, oh . . .

Post by afrayedknot »

I thought the sleeves on my Wested could be a little bit longer, so for my own peace of mind I sent it back on May 30th for alteration. I emailed Gemma today (June 17th) to see if they had received it but Gemma responded that they hadn't. I tracked it through the United States Postal Service, and they informed me that it had been delivered on June 6th?!

I sent Gemma the Custom Forms number and asked if they could track it from there end.

I had the package insured for $400, but if it's been delivered, is the USPS still responsible. I'm inclined to think not.

So, what now?! Am I just out of luck?
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Post by Shawnkara »

It depends. The postal service would have to prove they delivered it if you file a claim. If it was signed for upon delivery, Wested is actually liable. Since it was shipped from outside their country, I would think they had to sign for it. Either way, it's great news that you insured it. The postal service HATES to pay out anything, so they'll but their butts to find it.

BUT... I wouldn't get too worried just yet. I do alot of overseas shipping, and it's rediculous how long things can get hung up in customs. Just because USPS says it was delivered doesn't necessarily mean it was delived to its final destination. It could just mean it's been checked in through customs on the 6th.

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Post by Michaelson »

Once it's handed off to the Royal Mail Service, USPS is completely off the hook. As far as they're concerned, they made the delivery, and they'll tell you that point blank if you ask them at the counter (yes, I have, and was told so. :lol: ), as the package is no longer in their control, therefore their responsibility stops at customs in England.

Your 'fight' will be with Wested if you have a confirmation of delivery. Sounds to me, though, that you have confirmation of delivery to customs. Beyond that, who knows where it is?

Wish I could offer some more encouragement, but many of us have been down this road, and it's always a nail biter when it comes to getting a package back to Wested for re-work. :?

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Raider S »

If it's been delivered, the post is not responsible.

Why does everyone assume its the postal services fault so far? Maybe it was delivered and misplaced?
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Post by Michaelson »

What assumption? :-s Re-read this line in the original post:
I sent Gemma the Custom Forms number and asked if they could track it from there end.
This confirms it arrived at Customs only. Nothing more. USPS responsibility stops at the border of the country a package is addressed to, and it's handed off to the postal service of that country.

He states that Gemma has no record of its arrival at Wested, so it's somewhere between Customs and the Wested shop, and therefore still in the hands of someone besides the party it was addressed to. The 'party' handling that transfer should be the Royal Mail Service.

Like I said, this is common practice. All you can do is wait, and you've were correct in handing off the custom's number to Gemma to look into the matter. The RMS tends to deliver things in it's own good time. :lol:

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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Well at least yours said it was delivered, when I shipped my jacket back way back it did not even say it was delivered and that was through USPS. Omar, I thought the sleeve length was fine, nothing that would have been picky to me. I thought the pockets flaps were a bit more LC like, but that can always be fixed, just make it more round. :wink: I told you sending the jacket back is going to be a pain. I am glad you put the insurance on there. Sounds like you got a pretty tough case here, I sure hope Wested gets your jacket. I would call Peter and find out if they got it, cause they should have it by now. It may have got lost with all the other jackets laying around, that is what happened to my returned jacket. Peter is a great guy over the phone and will be willing to help you if he is there. I certainly hope they get your jacket Omar.

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Post by afrayedknot »

Gemma was able to locate my jacket! Phew! That was a little bit scary! It is now safely in the Wested shop awaiting alteration.

Just as Michaelson stated, the package can only be tracked until it reaches the Royal Mail Service, so although USPS says the package has been delivered, it hasn't reached it's final destination.

This chapter has a happy ending, but now a new chapter begins. Will I be pleased with the alteration? Wait and see . . .
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Post by Satipo »

afrayedknot wrote:This chapter has a happy ending, but now a new chapter begins. Will I be pleased with the alteration?
Will your jacket get back through US customs ... ? :wink:
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Post by afrayedknot »

Thanks, Satipo . . . I hadn't considered that! :shock:
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Post by Michaelson »

The going is the nailbiter. Coming back has never been a problem for me.

VERY pleased Gemma found it! :D

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Post by Doctor_Jones »

great gemma found it, it must be a big relief for you. i'm glad it got to its location.
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Post by Raider S »

Glad it's been solved.

Now maybe some could help me out? I have a Wested to return and would like to know the address you sent to, what you said for the customs label, and what service you used to mail it. What was the cost? This is coming from the U.S.

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