From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Finally got my Strain 10' whip on Saturday after Fed-Ex tried to deliver it twice before. The workmanship is exactly what I expected from all the reviews here. I'm used to my 8' Nolan so I expected some adjusting to the extra length but it is not as much as I thought it was going to be. Being new it is a little stiff but it still cracks like a dream and I look forward to it loosening up with time. Here are some pics:
Thanks guys - needless to say I'm very happy with it. Joe did say in his last email before he shipped it that he thought it was some of his best work. I even hated to take it outside because I didn't want to get it dirty!!!
He told me recently that his current Whiskey roo supply was VERY good quality. I was wondering what his current Whiskey looked like. Thanks so much for posting the pics! It's dark, but not nearly as dark as some Brandy whips I've seen.
Pardon my newbie ignorance, but is it so shiny from the soap, form some other conditioner, some kind of shellac, or have you used something like Pecards on it, or is that just what real roo really looks like?
Pardon my newbie ignorance, but is it so shiny from the soap, form some other conditioner, some kind of shellac, or have you used something like Pecards on it, or is that just what real roo really looks like?
Shellac makes it look that way and the fact that it hasn't been handled yet therefore the leather isn't scruffed up by dirt and by their hands etc.
TimInKC wrote:
I think I read somewhere that the going wait time for a Joe Strain whip is around 10 weeks. Is that failry accurate?
Joe received my order and payment on April 29 and had I been here at the house I would have gotten it on June 12 - so about 6 weeks for my whip. Since the movie his orders may have increased thus extending the wait time.
Mannie Bothans wrote:
Pardon my newbie ignorance, but is it so shiny from the soap, form some other conditioner, some kind of shellac, or have you used something like Pecards on it, or is that just what real roo really looks like?
The shiny look is from the shellac that Joe applied. What you see is exactly what I got out of the box.
Wow, great looking whip! I got the exact 8ft version of yours from Joe last December. Seeing it makes me drool about getting a new whip all over again.
How much difference in timing do you notice between your 8ft and this one?
bluzharp wrote:
How much difference in timing do you notice between your 8ft and this one?
I've only worked with it twice now. Once on the day it arrived and then again yesterday. The first day I just did the sidearm flick and the overhead cattleman's crack. There is a noticable difference when I try to do the forward Cattleman's Crack. I haven't gotten the timing so I can do it consistently like I can with the 8'. The overhead Cattleman's Crack doesn't seem to be as difficult to get right. I would say you need to allow another second or so to adjust to the longer whip action. The sidearm flick is no problem nor was the behind the back flick. The forward overhand flick and the forward cattleman's are giving me the most trouble in adjusting. I'm sure part of it is that the whip is still brand new and not as loose as my 8' whip.