KotCS IOAB-Style

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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KotCS IOAB-Style

Post by LemonLauren »

About a month ago, Paul and I tried making a whip inspired by Adam's IOAB - 4 plait 8 foot cowhide. Just earlier tonight, I finally got around to finishing mine off with the knots. It was an interesting experiment, and the finished product actually cracks really well (read LOUD).

What did I learn from this experiment? I learned that I am NEVER making another one of these, and Adam is a saint for making his IOAB whips at the price he does. I braided this whip in just a couple hours, but afterwards my hands felt like I'd just finished braiding FIVE eight foot whips in a row. I felt like I had lobster claws instead of fingers.

I'm going to put this whip up in the Cairo Bazaar, with shipping in time for the premier:


This experience has for me reinforced the fact that we should not take Adam's IOAB whips for granted. They may be relatively "simple" to make, but they are definitely not easy.
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Re: KotCS IOAB-Style

Post by Mola Ram »

LemonLauren wrote:

What did I learn from this experiment? I learned that I am NEVER making another one of these, and Adam is a saint for making his IOAB whips at the price he does. I braided this whip in just a couple hours, but afterwards my hands felt like I'd just finished braiding FIVE eight foot whips in a row. I felt like I had lobster claws instead of fingers.

Good to know its not just me using bad form....I always assumed all the pain I was experiencing was just the way I was plaiting. -_-
I've actually gotten so worried about messing up my hand making these, that I'm switching to using kangaroo hide in a few months, cowhide whips are just too painful to make, and I'm sort of loosing that feeling I had when I started whip making as a hobby...Can't let that happen.

Looks good :)
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Post by Canuck Digger »

Hey Lauren,
that made me laugh because it reminded me of when I first began plaiting; I would wake up in the morning with lobster claws for hands! I swear they were all scrunched up in tight little fists even before my eyes were open! Needless to say my form and my hands have gotten used to it, but I fully appreciate your story. I personally find that plaiting 1/8'' strings kills my fingertips!

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Post by louiefoxx »

the last 4 plait cowhide I did killed my hands too!!


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Post by Shagbd »

Cant wait to get it Lauren!

Thank you so much!
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Post by Shagbd »


I just received the whip today!
Thank you so much!
it cracks MAD loud!
i think im deaf in one ear now....
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Post by Shagbd »

I just spent the last hour and a half out by the lake crackin!
this whip cracks really GOOD and really easily!

Thanks agian Lauren
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Post by Shagbd »


I thought I might give you an update on the condtion of the KOTCS IOAB
First off, its held up really great, but Ill probably need another fall if i keep going at the rate im going :-)

Ive already popped 3 or 4 off... and each time takes a small peice of the fall with it...

I just got finished rubbing a coat of Pecards into it, so its feelin good now.
it has broken in VERY well and is alot more supple that it was...
Also, its darkened up a bit too... this is probably due to the Pecards AND its gotten a little wet a few times as well (I dried it thoroughly afterwards)

You can tell also, on the handle close to the knot its darkened from handling...
Ive only had it about a month but its probably seen about SIX MONTHS worth of use already!


anyway, it still gets about a 2 hour workout per day, weather permitting and i dont see that stopping anytime soon...... well... i DO have those Strain and Del Caprio whips coming.....
but Ill make sure "she" doesnt end up in the corner collecting dust!
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Post by myamoebafriend »

Well, from all the videos, the whip seems to be doing really well. It's darkened up quite nicely too.
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Post by thefish »


I asked David on another forum when he posted this pic there, but YOU'D be the one to know.

What did you use for the knots? They look like kangaroo in how evenly and tightly they lay.

Whatever they are they look good! :clap:

All the best to you guys. Hope to see you soon, and tell that slacker Paul to fix my whip! I MISS IT!!!! WAHHHHHH!!!! :x :x :x

Anyway, all the best to everyone!

Happy cracking!

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Post by LemonLauren »


Yes, the knots are 'roo hide. Good eyeballs you've got! We didn't have any black or brandy color cow hide laying around, and it certainly would have been difficult to make the knots look that decent with anything other than 'roo anyhow.

Thanks for posting the pic Shagbd; it's fun to see it again after a few weeks of heavy practicing! The color really is aging nicely.

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Post by Shagbd »

Im just glad its still in one peice from all the Abuse... err, i mean USE that ive put it thru...........
..........well... mainly one peice.... not counting the little peices of fall scattered about...
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