Since the shirt was a main part of my equipment (I am rarely seen with a t-shirt) I used it quite regularly while working at the site:

So - of course! - the shirt got quite dirty (dust from the desert, 6000 year old ash layers and charcoal, and the sweat of a certain archaeologist):

Here you see the used shirt next to a clean one.

In the end the shirts went several time to the laundry, where they were dry cleaned not very cautious.
And? You may ask, what do I have to say about those shirts after a month of heavy use?
First: The cut - it fits well. Leaves enough space to your body to form the layer of air needed to cool down your skin without looking baggy. Maybe mine was a tad to big or its the way my - not to broad - shoulders are formed, but sometimes I noticed the epaulettes not to sit directly onto my shoulders but a little bit in front of them.
A real advantage is the quite long cut of the lower part - I never had the problem of the shirt slipping up out of the trousers, even when climbing. A plus in my eyes.
Second: With the material they did some nice effort - it is very comfortable and - for me the most important thing - it lets your body really breath. I nearly had no problems with sweating too much wearing it and the test showed that it even protects you good enough from the sun (assumed you roll down the cuffs).
The only practical problem I had was the fact that the material is quite sensitive if it comes to wrinkles - you do have to iron it after cleaning. Though this is a accomodation to the screen accurate material it might become a point of difficulty while travelling (in my case I just let the laundry iron it).
Third: Manufacture - even after all those weeks of constantly wearing (while one was in the laundry I just used the other one) and let the shirts be cleaned that often, that they started to offer me coffee when I showed up in the laundry, I can't see any noticable traces af galling. The buttons are as strong attached as they were from the beginning, the stitching did not went loose at any point. Nothing to argue here.
In general I can say that I am really impressed by the shirt's quality - and I want to underline that these conlcusions are based on observation and experience concerning the product of the AB Co. only.
I did not say anything about the look, because we all know how nitpicky Marc can be, if it comes to screen accuracy - and considering the effort he and the ones supporting him undertook, I don't think there is any doubt concerning this side of the shirt.
More pictures of the shirt in its "fieldtest" may be found here.