Sorry to report Noel Howard- Deceased

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Post by conceited_ape »

I have no words that will do this justice.

All of my dealings with Noel over the years have been, swift, courteous and given his pedigree in the Jones history, an honest to God treat.

Thank you, Noel. You are a true gentlemen. Be at peace.
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Post by Indy30 »

Doctor_Jones wrote::shock: I'm totally Godsmacked... Sad to hear the news. I dealt with Noel twice in the past. And I loved it when he send a christmascard every year. He will be sadly missed. Rest in peace, old friend. I will miss you...
Yes, I enjoyed the cards also.
I'm really saddened to hear this news. My sincere condolences go out to his friends and family.
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Post by Dalexs »

This is truly sad news.
I had a number of emails with him a few years ago, and I can honestly say, that he was a true gentleman and a pleasure to do business with.
He will be greatly missed. My condolences to his family.

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Post by schmidty612 »


Sileo per pacis, Noel.
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Post by Venkman »

I never had the pleasure of dealing with Mr Howard, but he obviously was a great person from all the testimonials posted, and I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to his many contributions and accomplishments, and for bringing pleasure to so many. Sad news indeed today.
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Post by Zombie Jones »

"We seem to have reached the age where life stops giving us things and starts taking them away."
Dean Charles Stanforth, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Though I never had the opportunity to meet or speak to Mr. Howard, everything I've read about him indicates he was a genuine person and consummate professional. My most sincere condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues.
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Post by myamoebafriend »

Wow, this is terrible news. This is just shocking. Even though I never met Mr. Howard, and my only contact with him was just a question I asked via email, I had always heard of him from just browsing on the mainsite for years, and it was always apparent that he was in the top ranks of the Indy Gear community and that his knowledge and expertise were truly valued, and I had always heard just what a great person he is. My condolences to his family and friends, I'm sure he will be truly missed.
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

This is very sad news. I hadn’t conversed with Noel in many years but when I did he was a true gentlemen.

My deepest condolences go out to his loved ones.

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Post by Stefan Hills »

Rest in Peace Noel,
You shall forever be missed, and loved.

Stefan :(
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Post by Neolithic »

I felt this in my gut as soon as I read it. :cry: So sorry to hear the news.

I bought a few things from him over the years. His emails were polite and friendly. He will be missed.

My condolences to his family and his friends around the world.
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Post by IndyFrench »

This is terrible news. He will be missed. I purchased many items from him and I continue to use them without substitute to this day because, to my eye, they were always the most accurate.
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Post by agent5 »

I purchased many items from him and I continue to use them without substitute to this day because, to my eye, they were always the most accurate.
Yes. Yes. Not only have we lost a good man, but one who gave us all some of the best gear around. I really think it's too bad the exchange rate has been so terrible for us here in the U.S. for so many years. If it had not I believe many, many more gearheads would have ordered from him when he came back to us a couple of years ago. His shirt, pants and gunbelt were just the best. Many have tried, but to this day, almost a decade later, nobody does it like Noel did.
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Post by PLATON »

Very devastating news.
May God rest his soul.

Maybe the admin here consider to make a special place in this site in his memory.
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Post by Ken »

I met Noel only once but it was at my first ever summit in London. We visited his shop - there were only a handful of us. Noel was excellent in helping me find my first pair of trousers and shirt. Noel was polite and friendly to us all and was happy to just chat to us.

I hope there is someway the comments and sympathies in the post can be shared with his family, so they can see how someone can affect other people's lives, even in many cases where they have not even met.

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Post by IndianaChris711 »

This is really sad news. I got some of my first gear items from Noel, I had a hard time getting the right size for the gunbelt and he was always there to answer my e-mails back. He was a great guy and he was traveling to Africa a lot it seemed like. He will be truely missed, I think I will wear my Noel Howard gunbelt and web belt in his honor next time I have my gear on. Such shocking news, I cannot believe it. God bless his family and may all of our prayers be with them.

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Post by Arizona Smith »

Like everyone else, I'm shocked and really saddened to hear this news.

I spoke with Noel a couple of times years ago when ordering my gear items and he was an absolute gentleman and a total professional. The second time I spoke to him (months after the first occasion) he instantly knew my name and where I lived from memory (he simply did not have time to look up my details). I was enormously impressed by that, and by the Christmas cards he continued to send. What a warm, generous and decent man.

A terrible loss. My thoughts are with his family.

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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

I just wanted to add another little example of Noel's generosity and attention to detail. I am quite tall, and went around to his flat last year to get measured for custom made pants.

At that time, Noel took all of my trouser and shirt measurements, and as a courtesy, without me asking, he later sent me a measurements spreadsheet "for my files" in case I needed them.
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Post by MARQ »

Great loss to us fans, his family and his coworkers(this explains why I didn´t get answers to my e-mails)He must´ve had some storys to tell about filmworld nobody else knew..Peter thank you for sharing us this sad news.
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Re: Sorry to report Noel Howard- Deceased

Post by MisterJones »

I feel very very sad. I can't believe. This is a great loss for all of us.
My condolences to his family and friends.
We will miss you.
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Post by Tollan »

Terrible terrible news!

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Post by azuma »

According to Mr. Howard, I was the first person who bought the first Indy pants replica from him (which was 9 years ago). I bought several Indy from him while he was still with MBA, and I kept received his Christmas cards during the frist few years when he started to offer Indy items.

I am truly sorry to learn that he passed away. It is truly a great loss for all of Indy fans.

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Wow! I had no idea. I just ran across this tonight after hearing it mentioned in the "Stan Winston" topic. I'm in shock. :shock:

I never got the chance to order anything from Noel due to the high exchange rates. Lord knows I would have loved to have owned some of his stuff. :(

I didn't know the man personally but ever since I got into this hobby the man's name was on the tip of everyone's tongue. Listening to everyone speak about him I felt like I knew him myself.

It truly is a huge loss for everyone involved in the hobby. :cry: :cry:

I offer my thoughts and prayers to his friends and family.
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Post by IndianaJames »

Indiana Jones undoubtedly would not have been the same without Noel Howard. A great man.

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Post by goonies1632 »

Dutch_jones wrote:I hope Angelseyth doesn't mind me posting this:

No problem.

Stan Winstron and now Noel...
It's a very sad new... I'm not feel good since I know that Noel is dead.
I visited him, he was so nice with me !!!! I'm in shock too :(
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Post by Harrison_Davies »

So long friend. Thanks for being a gentleman and a scholar. You will be missed.
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Speachless...........I'm very sad to hear this news, my condolance's go out to his family and friends.

We will miss you Noel, but we will never forget you.


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Post by Canada Jones »

When I saw this posted on the Indygear site I could not believe it. I met Noel howard 2 or 3 times over the many summers I spent in England. It was always a pleasure to do so. Actually I have Michaelson to thank for connecting me with him in the first place.

I remember the first time I met him very well. Trying to find his office. Being buzzed in. And there was a very small elevator that greeted you - like the ones from the old movies you see. It took me to his spacious office where I was greeted by his lovely secretary. The office took me back because it was immediately clear that this was a working movie costume house and not a store. I felt like I was somehow imposing on him being there but he really was incredibly gracious and patient.

His experience in the movie business was obvious - besides a long list of movies and shows he had done costumes for he had various costumes he had made on display - I believe there was a Yellow Submarine Costume from the Beatles he had made.

He always had such great stories which he was glad to share. The last time I saw him I had taken some students with me to meet him. We had planned to go and see the London stage version of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I was telling Noel this and I told him that when I was growing up the thing I remembered most from the movie version was how scarey the child catcher character was. He then motioned for us to follow him down the hall and he proceeds to show me on the wall of his office a framed original drawing of the child catcher costume from the movie signed by the actor. Turns out it was his costume that had impacted me years before. I also remember him telling me on that visit that he was closing down the business which I thought was very sad.

Not sure how many of our community visited him but he did show me in his office a shelf full of binders full of letters and orders from Indy fans. It seemed to me that the Indy fan community was close to his heart. I think for a man with his experience he really got a kick out of people who genuinely love his costume so much they wear them in real life.

He took great pride in his work and it shows in the quality. I bought a number of belts from him over the years and wear them almost every day so he is someone I have been reminded of constantly.

On that last visit when he was showing me the drawing on his wall I noticed some patches from the Harry Potter movie jackets on his desk. I asked about them and he told me he had done the costumes for harry potter and the patches were extras because of some cancelled orders. It was then he reached down, picked up one and gave it to me. That's just the kind of person Noel was. At least the times I dealt with him.

I am deeply saddened by his death.

Rest in Peace Noel. Rest in Peace.

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Post by Abner »

Thanks for sharing your story Gary.
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Post by Michaelson »

I remember him telling me he kept every piece of coorespondence he ever received from our group too, Gary.

He was a sentimental man.

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by Canada Jones »

Here are two photos taken at Noel's office. The first one is a shot of me wearing the Indy jacket. The woman in the photo is his incredibly nice receptionist. Note the sign in the background - it is a list of some of the movies and stage shows he had made costumes for. There is a cabinet behind us with an actual costume in it but I am not sure which one.


This second photo is me again in the Indy Jacket but I include it so you can see some of the drawings on the wall of work they had done. Note the plastic bag on the floor - these were the things I had bought on my visit. He always used clear bags so that is how I know it was something I had just purchased.


Again, in looking at these shots I remember Noel fondly and think of how he will be missed.
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Post by Indiana G »

awesome photos gary and thanks for sharing the story. i always wanted to do a trip like yours. you are a lucky man.
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Post by mufflowne »

My thoughts go out to Noel and his loved ones.
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Post by Canada Jones »

Indiana G:
I do consider myself blessed to have meet Noel, not once, but several times.
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