From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
What are any thoughts about this one. Its shipping in August and is $199
Here is the copy form the catalog
An authentic full functioning replica of the whip used in the Indiana Jones movies. Measures 10 feet in length. Made of fine leather. Display included.
I am seriously considering getting this one
I would like some input
Las Vegas Jones
Last edited by Las Vegas Jones on Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Looks like everything else Lucas film sells........@#$%!!! There aren't enough plaits to it to be "accurate" like advertised. Besides, a whip is considered a weapon, I can't see them selling a real one anyway.
I'm no where near an authority on whips. But for the price of that, consider Adam Winrich's IOAB instead. You get a real functioning whip with a nice, SA color.
Out of curiosity, has anyone here handled the Noble whip?
I know everything in the Noble collection is overpriced, but this is only $20 more than Adam's Indy on a Budget, and looks like a 8 plait versus Adam's 4.
No doubt that Adam's is better made (understatement) with a better core, foundation, and tighter braid.
Is it me or is this a different whip than was showing on the Noble site a few weeks ago?
Alex says: "Besides, a whip is considered a weapon, I can't see them selling a real one anyway."
Who considers the whip a weapon? Maybe some Indiana Jones want-to-be. Perhaps a martial artist seeking to add to their armamentarium.
But, in all of my demonstrations and presentations, and in all of the ones I have seen or heard, the word weapon is never used. I stress that the whip is one of man's oldest tools. Of course, I suppose almost anything could be used as a whip, but I am troubled by the trend to talk about whips in martial terms- as weapons.
I spoke from personal experiences in dealing with the local police They don't like it when you tell them what you are doing in your own yard with a device considered an art form is not a weapon.
It's funny how a person's perspective can change. If it was 1982 and I saw this whip in a catalogue I would be one excited eight year old. Twenty-six years later...not so much.
Well, as far as something to hang off my belt, I cant really see any problem with it. It looks great and that is a big part of the game. (I do have a whip I actually use as well)
If I get one, I will hold my opinion on how functional it is till then
I know I cant afford much more than this for a costume piece and I have already started hinting that I would not mind getting this for my Birthday (Halloween) this year
It doesn't look like a BAD whip. Probably cracks a lot better than many of those e-Bay whips. Is it worth the price? Well, I wouldn't buy it. I'd get one of Adam's IAOB's before I'd buy that, I'd I'd more likely than that, save up and get either a GOOD 8 plait cowhide whip, or a REALLY good nylon whip.
But let's face it, what you're paying for is the glossy pictures, and the Lucasfilm License. Nothing else. When all that is factored in, it looks like a nice functional piece.
Couple things though. I'll bet you that measurement is overall length, because they're doing an OVERALL measurement. So, it's probably closer to 8 foot with a 24 inch fall.
I'm with Bogg. Whips are not inherantly weapons. Neither are pool cues or baseball bats. That doesn't mean that they don't work well AS weapons.
But what is troubling to us is that people see whips and they say "WEAPON!" "Not agricultural tool" or "sporting equipment." When people see pictures of baseball bats and pool cues without any sort of connotative setting, they think of games and sports.
We're trying to change that with whips too. It a long row to hoe...And whips, while they are agricultural tools, make crappy hoes...
And I wouldn't think too much about them selling a "Real Functional Weapon."
This is the Noble Collection we're talking about, the finest purveyors of non-sharp, clumsy, shoddily made stainless steel swords that people think are weapons, (especially their "Highlander" Japanese-style blades, which ARE sharpened, but only enough to make them more dangerous to the person holding it.) They're glorified long butterknives.
And considering the amount of green they charge for those glorified butter knives, that $200 price tag isn't actually THAT bad by comparison.
New member here long time lurker, I was looking into buying this whip but since have changed my mind. I'm going with Gus for my first but I e-mailed Nobel for more info about the whip and this is what they sent me..
Thank you for your email. The Bull whip can be cracked. This item is made of fine Cow leather. 8 plait. Please see below all the information we have on this product.
Measures 10 feet in length.
Parts of a Bull Whip:
Hanging Loop : 12" inches
Handle : 8 1/2" inches
Thong : 87" inches
Fall : 27" inches
Cracker : 8" inches
Thank you
Karla Ruiz
The Noble Collection
Customer Service