CABELA'S "Close enough" shirt

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CABELA'S "Close enough" shirt

Post by Solojedi »

I'm in the process of making my "budget" Indy outfit for starters.
This fourm has been a great source of info. And alot of you if not most have really done an EXCELLENTjob with your outfits!!!!

I wanted to get a shirt but the "real" ones I've seen from vendors are pretty up there in price. So I found this Cabela's shirt on their site and am having trouble deciding which color to get...

According to this from the main shirt page:
The Indiana Jones shirt is based on a typical safari-style shirt. Its distinctive feature is two vertical strips running from the shoulders to the bottom of the shirt tails and continued over both breast pockets. A common debate regards the original shirt color. Surviving samples of the original shirts seem to be darker in reality than they appear on screen. Most fans look for an off-white "stone" color for their replicas. The original shirts, however, may have been more of a "tan" or "natural" color. The shirt varied little from film to film, the only notable difference being the darker buttons in Temple of Doom and Last Crusade. Originally designed by Andreas Dometakis for the films, this shirt was once one of the hardest pieces of gear to find.

So which would be "better"...their Tan or their Stone color???

Thanks in advance.....
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

Guess that's a matter of preference---And I've seen some good threads here that show comparisons of different shirts.

I personally prefer a warm stone color, and darker pants for contrast....The 'Raiders' look...
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Post by Photoss »

I have heard that the tan color has a slightly greenish hue to it.
Then again, I'm a bit colorblind, so I can't really tell for myself.

(I bought a fedora several years ago, because I liked the brown color, only to be told by my sister that it was green. :oops: )
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Post by stealthboy »

I ordered the "tan" color and ended up sending it back! I thought it was way too dark, and had a bit of a greenish hue. Ended up getting a close-enough LL Bean shirt and it's much better.

So, if you're getting the Cabela's, in my opinion you should order the stone color.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Stone. Absolutely the Stone color! All the other colors are too dark. Darker than they appear in most catalogs and on the internet. The Stone color is a smidge light for screen accuracy, but since most close enough pants are a little light, too, it equals out nicely.
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Post by IndianaBogart »

Definitelty get Stone. The Cabellas safari shirt is the only Indy shirt I have and I am quite pleased with it. (even though it's just a close-enough) I have a pair of $20 wal-mart pants (I think they are Wranglers) and the color contrast is very close to the contrast seen in Raiders.
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Post by Solent MKIII »

Man, you are pickin' my brain! Got my $20.00 pants at Walmart as well
( george brand ) I concur with my previous colleagues, Solojedi: get the
stone color - got mine in time for the premiere and am very pleased with
it - won't need to look for another shirt for some time, now. :junior:
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Post by Indiana Croft »

So I guess the stone is the way to go. :lol: :shock:

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Post by Solojedi »

Thanks for all the advise and suggestions guys..and gals if any
I ordered the "Stone" and should be getting it today!!! Woohoo! :D

I have some "close enuff" pants i got at Penney's for $20, last week.
10 foot whip from a guy on ebay
Magnoli Mark VII bag, which should be in any day now
todd's strap
close enuff gun belt
todd's basic holster
AND ordered an Akubra FED IV dark brown!!!!! :P :P :P
All I need now are some boots but I can hold off on those for awhile...

again THANKS for the help!!!!! :P

Solo 8)
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