Howdy guys my Todd's Mk VII replica has been my everyday carry bag and it's lasted my 4 years - so I want some opinions what do you guys think is the most durable MK VII - aside from the original - because yes I know they've lasted about 60 years.
I have had my WPG Replica bag(which is the same,I think.) for about the same amount of time,and a Lawerance Ordnance Mk VI Replica for 2 years,which I alternate with the WPG Replica.Both are top notch,in my opinion,for replicas.
I've had the WPG bag for about 3 or 4 years now, but started using it regularly as my camera bag about a year ago. Still holding up great, not a single problem. Although I need to replace the strap... still using the default WPG one cuz I've been lazy.
I us a WPG Bag everyday (to keep my real MK safe for gear-wear). I've only had it a little over a year, but it still looks brand new. So, I would think that's a sign of durability.