Man, that is an awsome looking hat, is this a prototype or final version.?..when are they going into production?...beautiful...I would certainly be interested..curious on dimensions...
that looks fantastic oak! is it starting to get easier for you? what kind of tools did you start out with....i'm getting curious and there's a big space in the garage that has potential for a hat workshop
Man Oak, you do some nice work. I sure would like to know where you get your hoods & sweatbands from. You've enspired me to want to try my had at making my own lids.
Fantastic work, great job!
That's a awesome hat! I'd do horrible things for one of those. Where'd you get the Roo sweatband from? I can't seem to find any anywhere... I'm also planning on making my own hat at the end of the summer. I know where to get everything except for the roo sweatband.
EDIT: Did you use a flange? Got a good source for those?
Thanks everyone for all the kind words. I'l try and answers all that I can. The crown is a 5 1/2 inchs. I don't know what I could do to help anyone as I'm just lerning and trying to perfect the craft myself. I don't know how long it took me do a hat or every step of the process. partly because I have done things more than ounce to try and get it too come out the way I want.
I re-did my first hat about four times. My secound hat I re-did twice. The third I did just ounce. After finishing the third one, I'm going to take apart the secound one to redo it again. I will most likely take this one apart to redo it again.
I hope that answers some questions.
Incredible work! Congratulations!
If you want (and if there's no factory-secrets you don't want to reveal), try to post some photos about the construction process, I'm very curious about it!
Oak, That is one seriously awesome hat my friend. I'd proudly wear one on my noggin whenever you feel your hats have reached the quality level you want. But I've got to tell you this one looks like its getting close. Keep it up man!
Holt, your speechless, I'm Speechless. Thanks very much.
I hate to tell everyone but I'n going to strip the rabbit hat ( the one in the other thread) down and re-work it. then I'm going to strip this one down. They look good but there are still a couple of things that need to be improved. I will keep everyone up to date how things are coming along.
i wish i had the time to learn how to make a there any how to books out there? I've went through the tutorial on this site but i need more info
Indycrazy5187 wrote:i wish i had the time to learn how to make a there any how to books out there? I've went through the tutorial on this site but i need more info
Whispers a nameless fear, "Library of Congress."
Hurry, before History becomes Legend, and legend becomes Myth.
Indycrazy5187 wrote:i wish i had the time to learn how to make a there any how to books out there? I've went through the tutorial on this site but i need more info
If you want to learn to swim, you've just gotta jump in the water. Worst case scenario, you end up spending about $200 and a day's worth of work on a hat you'd never wear. I find that very unlikely, however. Every hat I've seen made by a member of the forums is a pleasant surprise.
Holt, your speechless, I'm Speechless. Thanks very much.
Well, that leaves me out. I'm rarely speechless.
Regard! Michaelson
I almost missed this post and others.
thanks for the laugh.
thanks everyone. Right now I only have 2 size blocks and a few things to improve before I think about letting one of these things go. I would want it to be a hat I'm proud of and right now it's not there.
There is only a couple things I need to improve and I should be happy. I haven't found all the supplies I'm happy with. Like the ribbon for example. It's a very dark ribbon but not what I really want to use. I like my felt and sweatband.
I will keep everyone posted on the progress. I should have the hat ( rabbit from the first post ) stripped and re- made here in the next couple of days.
Strider wrote:*watches my question fly over your head*
Your question didn't fly over my head.
I'll try and explain myself why i haven't answered all the questions I've been asked by e-mails, PM's and posts.
I had to resign from the fire department about a moth ago. I have had chronic back pain for about ten years now. I started in the fire department with back pain. I can't take the pain anymore. It has been the hardest thing I ever had to do.
I hoping that I could replace some of the joy that I got from being a firemen with making hats. I loved fedora's for a long time. I'm putting a big effort into learning and perfecting the craft. I'm getting a good feeling making these hats.
I would like to help everyone out but I can't answer some of your questions right now. I'm sorry.
Seems to me like you really want to make something out of this. Well, just post often on the progress you are making. You already know that many people are interested (me included), so when you are ready to begin selling your hats let us know. I know your hats will be a hit. I would buy it if it even resembled your prototype! Keep up the great work because it is great work.