Here's the rundown of my opinion of the shirts:
Adventure Built - It has the best color for the Raiders shirt, and a great all around look. Plus I absolutely LOVE the tag!
Noel Howard - The color is a little dark, but it looks the most accurate, and wrinkles wonderfully. It looks great as a TOD.
Todd's - The color is the darkest, and has a pretty good TOD look, the best part is the fit, it really feels like Indy's shirt when you are wearing it.
Wested - The color is the lightest, and it doesn't wrinkle all that much, but it is the nicest shirt out of the bunch. What I mean by that is that it is the most "dress shirt" like of the three.
They are all great shirts, and I have been having a great time trying out a different one each day.
Also, they have all been washed in cold water, and hang dried.
Adventure Built - XL, but the sleeves were shortened by a local tailor. I think I'll likely get a Large soon.
Noel Howard - Large, Tall. The sleeves are slightly long, but not too long that they need to be shortened. It fits very nicely.
Todd's - Large, and the fit is great. Broad shoulders, and slimmer in the waist more than the others. It fits the tightest of all of them.
Wested - Large, it fits very nicely, almost as tight as the Todd's.
Here are the comparison pics:

Paul Nolan