To settle this. The liners were plain, unmarked. Western Costume toned down the white, as Bernie said the bright white might present problems when filmed. They did in fact use hair color to darken the liners.
The sweatbands were marked. Some were from Marc, some were from me.
We were told that no crest needed to be on the liner, because it would have to be researched by the legal team, prior to them using it, for obvious reasons. So, Bernie told us just to use plain ones. What we were using the Headpiece, an infringement, so of course that one was a no go from the start.

But, Bernie got a huge kick out of us using that one. His words were, "no, we sure can't use that!" or something to that effect.
I sold a hat to one of the crew, and he found out about us from our name being on the sweatband, so it was there.
Regards, Fedora