Tips on Weathering/Distressing (Cabela's) Safari shirt?

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Tips on Weathering/Distressing (Cabela's) Safari shirt?

Post by jyhash »

Even though KotCS has come and gone, it's gotten me back into Indy Costuming. I bought a new Cabela's Safari shirt for the premiere, and after washing it twice, drying it on the antibacterial setting, not ironing it, and sleeping on it under the mattress, but it still looked too new.

I know that it may not be the best shirt for the costume (it's not at all Screen accurate), and I hopefully will be getting a shirt from Todd or Magnoli soon, but in the meantime does anyone have any tips on distressing the shirt I have now? Don't really want to go so far as to turn it into a ToD shirt with a missing arm, but outside of keeping it a LC (complete with tie) is there a way to mkae it more "Indy"-ish?

Thanks guys, you rock.

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Post by IndyWannaBee »

None here mate! I put mine through four washes of Rit Dye Remover at 45 minutes per wash and it STILL is the same bloody color!

You have to admit that if there ever were a shirt for Indy to wear it would have to be a Cabela's! They are nigh indestructible!!!!!
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Post by jyhash »

Really? With the bleaching solution and everything? Mind you I still want this to be a wearable shirt... is there a possibility of the solution dissolving the 60% of the shirt that is polyester? Hope not. Anyway, thanks for the help and I've seen the pics from other threads, so Unless I hear otherwise I'm gonna get an AdventureBuilt shirt as soon as I get the scratch.

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Post by Dalexs »

Keep in mind that the Cabelas are more polyester blend then cotton, and are designed to hold up under much wear and tear.

My shirt is 4 years old and still looks good as new (except un-ironed of course.)

Most distressing methods only really work on natural fabrics.
Man made simple break down and fall apart. So keep that in mind when you do any distressing.
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Post by Hatch »

You can't distress polyester you can only melt it.......reason it's more dangerous if you get caught in a literally melts to the skin making burns much worse............Hatch
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