Hey solojedi. first off, I don't have any pics to show you; I'm new and haven't figured out how to do pics yet.

But I have Todds strap (which is great, I've had mine for almost a year) and I think I can walk you through it.
-First, you need to undo the chicago screw on the end of the strap that doesn't have the buckle.
-Second, if you're looking straight at the front of the bag, take the end of the strap without the buckle (and with the chicago screw removed) and run it through the LEFT d-ring on the bag from RIGHT TO LEFT with the unfinished side of the strap facing up (away from the bag)
-Then run the strap through the buckle (so that it goes over the bar in the middle of the buckle).
-Then loop the remaining end (end without buckle) around the right d-ring and put the chicago screw back into place
-And finally, adjust strap to desired length.
And just for clarification, if you're looking at the front of the bag (with the snaps on the flap facing you) the left side of the bag is the side without the metal disc and the right side is the side with the metal disc. This should prevent any confusion in knowing which d-ring is which.
I hope that this helps and isn't too confusing since there are no pics. Let me know how it works out for you.