Reading the book is a tour through glory... stepping stones on the path to the moments and thrills we love.
When I got to the Crystal Skull part... I was holding my breath waiting to read about Steve and Marc... and there it is... on the sidebar on page 280... and my heart soared... and sank.
Steve Dell. They got the man's name wrong.
So sorry Steve... WE know who you are... and part of me is totally thrilled to read that in the book... but it's a real shame that they couldn't fact-check a little tighter.
I don't know Steve personally...And I'll agree wholeheartedly that this is a grievous error on their part...But i'll put forth that what I've heard about Steve leads me to think that he didn't get into the business for 'Fortune and Glory', rather than to just make great hats 'like they used to make 'em' for good folks like us Gearheads...While making a great living doing what he loves.
Yeah, they got Marc's name wrong too... it's MARC KITTER, not ____________
It's too bad about the typo in Steve's name, but once again not even a mere mention of Marc. I understand Bernie dealt primarily with Steve, but the way the book makes it sound (with Bernie mentioning that Steve "doesn't have anyone working for him"), it's as if it was Steve and ONLY Steve making the hats for Indy 4. It's a shame they don't even make any mention of Marc or his work, just as much as it's a shame they screwed up on Steve's surname.