To Carry A Prop OR To NOT Carry A Prop

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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To Carry A Prop OR To NOT Carry A Prop

Post by IndyWannaBee »

So how many of you out there will be attending your May 22 Indy Premiere with an empty holster or with a holster sporting a Indy pistol prop?
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Post by DarkeSword2020 »

This is actually one of those things I've been wondering if it would be even "legal" to do so, so I have the pistol...but wondering whether I should/shouldn't and would love to hear some people chime in as to what's been done in the past in situations such as this one.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

I'm using my holster for my cell phone. Too many PC idiots who are scared of their own shadow out there...But they can't take my whip from me.

If the throngs of people surrounding this event can't figure that one out, there's something horribly, horribly wrong with this country...Not that i'll be flashin' that one, though..Unless requested by the powers that be....

Of course, my phone's ringtone...Well, let's just say that like many of us, i'll have my own soundtrack! (at least if someone decides to call!)
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to carry?

Post by Indiana Jake »

I would agree that a cel phone in the holster is a good idea. I considered carrying a toy cap gun just to fill the holster, but I must admit I'm on the fence about this. Resin guns look real untill you are agout 18 inches away. You will be spotted with a gun from a much greater distance. I wouldn't want to create any suspicion with law enforcement or others un-geared while dressing up.

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Post by Fink »

I have already prepared an obviously fake cardboard revolver; inside the holster it looks like a real gun, but pull it out and you can have a laugh! :lol:
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Post by JR »

I'm going to wear the empty holster with paper stuffed inside. Since I just received my holster in the mail today, I started wearing it. I got stopped by one security guard at my job. She wanted to know what was inside the holster. I told her there was nothing inside except for paper and that it was an Indiana Jones prop. When I mentioned "Indiana Jones," she didn't seem to get the idea. I guess she's just unaware of the Indy world. :roll:
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Post by Indiana »

I have my concealed carry license, a holster, and a gun, but I am still leaving the gun at home. No sense in even risking detainment by the cops (and missing the movie) for having a gun while they run a "check" on me. Now if I was staying in town to see it I would probably carry, but since I am going out of town and to a place where I don't know the cops, I am sticking to an empty holster.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

IMO, you don't need a replica gun in the holster to complete the look. In fact, just pretend your paying homage to TOD when Indy reaches for his gun and all he gets is an empty holster. Problem solved.
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Post by BendingOak »

Indiana wrote:I have my concealed carry license, a holster, and a gun, but I am still leaving the gun at home. No sense in even risking detainment by the cops (and missing the movie) for having a gun while they run a "check" on me. Now if I was staying in town to see it I would probably carry, but since I am going out of town and to a place where I don't know the cops, I am sticking to an empty holster.
Your forgetting the concealed part. Having your gun in your holster is not concealed and volation of Your permit. Concealed means that no one can tell you have one.
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Post by Indiana Max »

A holster is something to fill :D
I´ll take my Webley replica with me, definitely !
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I'm on the fence on this one...

Post by M1917 »

...I'm planning on calling the theater today and speaking to the management about it. Just have to make sure I don't get the 17-year old kid who sells popcorn! If I clear it with the management I'll bring it. If not, it stays at home.
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Post by carebear »

Replica or real gun, check your state and local statutes on carrying weapons and see what the theatre policy is.

In Virginia, open carry is legal. As long as the theatre management didn't ask you to leave or have the building posted, you would be legal from what I know of their state statutes.

Given the context, if the gun never left the holster and you were in full regalia I'd think most places would assume it a prop and if concerned would just ask, not call the police.

Whether people notice or care about visible weapons really varies by locality, even within states where it is legal. From talking to folks on gun boards North Virginia is apparently a lot touchier about it than in the South of the state.
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Post by Michaelson »

Indiana wrote:I have my concealed carry license, a holster, and a gun, but I am still leaving the gun at home. No sense in even risking detainment by the cops (and missing the movie) for having a gun while they run a "check" on me. Now if I was staying in town to see it I would probably carry, but since I am going out of town and to a place where I don't know the cops, I am sticking to an empty holster.
I can't think of a better answer to this myself. No matter where you fall on gun question, why chance being held up in a check at this time?

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana »

BendingOak wrote:Your forgetting the concealed part. Having your gun in your holster is not concealed and volation of Your permit. Concealed means that no one can tell you have one.
My license actually allows me to carry concealed or not wherever I want (except schools, government buildings, etc...). I guess I shouldn't call it a concealed carry license. It actually is a License to carry a handgun. I frequently carry a handgun around town, so I know it would be fine. BUT I do not want to chance anything. There is NOTHING that will stop me from seeing this movie tonight. Heck, I'd walk 15 miles in the snow to see it. Uphill too! :lol:

To everyone else, before you take a real or replica gun with you, just ask yourself, is it really worth it? It's going to be sealed up in your holster most of the time anyways. Even if it is legal for you, I wouldn't chance it.
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Post by Rook »

I'll carry at Halloween, or a convention setting (or prop party), but out in public with the "straits"... boy, tough call. I was thinking of gluing a few layers of currogated cardboard togeather and bolting it onto the grip frame of my webley. :)

Or just unbolting the barrel and carrying the grip. Can't be called on carrying a weapon if there's no barrel or cylinder, can you?

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Post by carebear »

I was thinking a good option for the new replica makers would be an accurate mold of a grip frame that was otherwise a bright pink, obviously non-gun, "holster filler" body.

Keep the correct-ish dimensions to fill the holster, but with no moving parts.

So anyone confronted could have it removed from the holster for examination and no persnickity cop or judge could reasonably state it "looked like a gun".

Basically a screen-accurate gun butt with lanyard ring, but attached to a pink blob (which isn't visible when holstered).
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I just got back, and...

Post by M1917 »


I called my local theater, and spoke directly with the manager. I told him it was a prop with no moving parts, and he was cool with it. He even thanked me for giving him the heads up.

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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Joking around I put the Tivo remote in the holster and believe it or not it fits perfectly. That is what I will be carrying in my holster Saturday night! I'd like to see the look on someone's face when I pull out the Tivo remote and make the Tivo noises for FF!
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Post by hocfutue »

Rook wrote:I'll carry at Halloween, or a convention setting (or prop party), but out in public with the "straits"... boy, tough call. I was thinking of gluing a few layers of currogated cardboard togeather and bolting it onto the grip frame of my webley. :)

Or just unbolting the barrel and carrying the grip. Can't be called on carrying a weapon if there's no barrel or cylinder, can you?

Careful, there. The frame IS the firearm under Fed regs, and most (if not all) state laws. You'd think "common sense" would say you wouldn't get arrested/tried/convicted for just a stripped frame, but guess again.

Again, be aware of all fed, state, local laws, etc.
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Post by Rook »

Of course, I've carried a P90, MP5 and even a pulse rifle at work on Halloween before. :)

Of course nobody says anything about the Proton Pack either. :)

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Post by Solent MKIII »

No gun in my holster at the premiere - theater had no problem with an
empty holster. Just don't wear your gunbelt to Disneyland, though!
Got all geared up and went with a friend to the opening week of the
Indiana Jones Adventure and was stopped halfway down mainsteet and
asked to put my whip in a locker. Had the holster checked too, but was
allowed to wear it. At least I still had my hat. :D :junior:
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The laws and the Constitution

Post by Sitting Rabbit »

Indiana wrote:
BendingOak wrote:Your forgetting the concealed part. Having your gun in your holster is not concealed and volation of Your permit. Concealed means that no one can tell you have one.
My license actually allows me to carry concealed or not wherever I want (except schools, government buildings, etc...). I guess I shouldn't call it a concealed carry license. It actually is a License to carry a handgun. I frequently carry a handgun around town, so I know it would be fine. BUT I do not want to chance anything. There is NOTHING that will stop me from seeing this movie tonight. Heck, I'd walk 15 miles in the snow to see it. Uphill too! :lol:

To everyone else, before you take a real or replica gun with you, just ask yourself, is it really worth it? It's going to be sealed up in your holster most of the time anyways. Even if it is legal for you, I wouldn't chance it.

No such thing as a "License to Carry". There's only a "Concealed Carry Permit" for those who want to carry it concealed. It's our Constitutional right to carry a gun as long as it's out in the open, which means, you can carry it anywhere (unless there is some town ordinance or something) to protect yourself. So many people don't know this, and even some cops don't know. But, that's the truth, and I've been carrying for years.
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