I just wanted to take this opportunity to let the fans know that
I will be offering professionally made replica collapsible coat
hangars identical to the one seen during the brief scene in Raiders
of the Lost Ark. There will only be 100 made as to the detail as seen
in the film. Any additional sold beyond that (if any) will be slightly
modified or have different features for general usage. As a long time
fan and collector of movie memorabilia (as well as being a stickler for
detail), I am confident that you will find this replica to be exactly
the way you imagined it to be.
The Raiders-style hangers will be a limited production run, available to fans
on a first come, first serve basis. They will be made of standard alloy aluminum rod
and tube, with functional chain and sliding hook hanger, finished in a durable flat black
finish. Far from being a mere conversation starter, these are fully-functional and durable.
A regular polished aluminum version will also be available.
I will take orders beginning near the end of this month, and prior to that
time, check my web site occasionally to view photos of the hanger as the
project nears completion:
Thanks for reading the post, and I hope those of you who receive
them do enjoy them...and use them ever-so-stealthily.