Thought I'd share a few photos so you guys can see the AB, and to taunt those of you who are on 'da list'
I ordered it in November 2005 and got it about a month later, in time for Christmas if I remember right. Boy am I glad I got on board when I did! Nowadays I can imagine poor Steve running away from a horde of expectant gearheads shouting "Marc! Hey MARC!!! START THE ENGINE!!!"
Steve, this hat is a real winner. It's tapered some, it's true, but I'm happy with it--I think it's tapered as a result of there not being much stitching on the ribbon, is that possible Steve? The ribbon sometimes slips way up to where I can see the stitching going round the side and I've gotta push it down some, but the upside is it gets a nice Cairo look to it sometimes. This hat is tough as nails, I recommend it unreservedly to anyone.
Without further adieu, the thumbnails! (links to Imageshack)
In the French Alps, above Chamonix. Taken by a Russian woman who mistook me for someone else she was meeting there. She said she knew it was me, I had my father's eyes. So I, being the slick talker I am of course, quipped "And my mother's ears, but the rest belongs to you." "Looks like the best parts have already been spoken for," she shot back. Ouch...
Actually, wait...that's not at all what happened. She was just intrigued by the fedora--turns out, she's the chief editor of a photography magazine! We got to talking (in Russian, about photography, Crystal Skulls, etc.) and she told me to look her up the next time I'm in Мосвка. (that'll be next spring)
I don't know, though, I'm a little wary. Her name was something like Ирина Спалько (Irina Spalko). Think she's trustworthy?

Alps again. Look at the brim distortion on that hat! I have no idea how I got it to _that_ angle, it's turned like crazy. But it was windy and I shoved that sucker down hard--I was _not_ about to lose an AB in the Alps. Rest assured though, if it flew off and started rolling down that mountain...I'd go right after it! How? Any good adventurer knows to have a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle, just for occasions like this. In fact, never leave home with out it--(my checklist:car keys. check. whip. check. fedora. check. rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle. check.) Just grab that chicken and, as theme music bursts into full swing, leap into the air and slide down the chair lift! Instant style points, just gotta hope it's not one of those "comically fail in a spectacular and painful manner" scenes...

Streets of Bordeaux. My brother struggles with his li'l point-&-shoot camera. I can't touch those things, they irritate me. No artistic control!

House by the sea at Lacanau, designed by my grandfather.

Somewhere in Paris. Blurry, I know..but until I can get a film scanner all I've got are the uploads from my brother's digital...

Notre-Dame Cathedral with a suspicious-looking figure in the foreground, left.

So I arrived in France and found a whole bunch of relatives I didn't know I had. One of them happened to own a vineyard, so I had to visit! Of course, there was a chateau just to the side of the wine cellars. And yes, I basically always go well-armed, as you can see--with cameras! C'mon, you know what a cautious fellow I am. They're so much easier to get onto planes than other heavy metal objects.... Now ammo, I mean film...that's becoming a problem these days. Can't just toss it in the luggage!

I was in the middle of reloading (my camera) when I looked down the street and there was this huge boulder coming my way, hence the " that a boulder?!?" expression... thank my brother for another candid shot! Umbrella is his, I never touch the things...

The crew (=the relatives I found! They thought I looked like a gangster, so they insisted on a gangster photo.)

When I can get them from my brother, I'll post some photos from the catacombs I visited in Paris. Lots of skulls...none of 'em crystal. Well...none to speak of, anyway.
Wish you all the best from Paris! Don't forget--turn out in full get-up for the upcoming movie release!!
PS--if anybody wants a 'gag' photo, ie ridiculously Indy-esque, taken somewhere in France, let me know. I can try to get there and stage it! Also, we got any gearheads in Paris? We should prendre un petit cafe ensemble une fois, n'est-ce pas?