My Jacket Collection -including my Limited Edition USW KotCS

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My Jacket Collection -including my Limited Edition USW KotCS

Post by 2-1B »

I have been visiting the COW board for four years now...dying to be registered (although I really only utilize free email accounts - it took me long before I was comfortable listing a real account!) and now now I am as proud as ever to belong to your forum!

I have worn and collected Indy jackets for 19 years! I bought my first first jacket (my Cooper jacket) in '89/'90 through the infamous Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Soundtrack offer. I have worn that sonuvab*tch through 19 winters - 22 U.S. states, 11 countries, 2 continents, and a number of women. I hope to be buried in it one day.

The second jacket that I bought some time ago is a Wested Authentic Lambskin Raiders jacket. I optioned for the dark brown, for if nothing else - to contrast with the authentic brown of my Cooper. It's more of an 80's cut on me, but once again, I wanted it to contrast with the Cooper.

Lastly, I ordered a few weeks ago the now-famous U.S. Wings LIMITED EDITION KotCS Indy-style Adventurer jacket. Of course, I am thrilled with it.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK OF MY JACKETS! When I bought my first jacket in '89, I really thought of myself as the only Indy-jacket-wearing-fool on the I'm thrilled to be in your presence. Please throw your comments my way! (Unless they're horribly negative :wink: )

The Cooper , The Wested, & The LE US Wings
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Post by Holt »

welcome to the'r in good company.

the jackets look great.did you add those snaps on your cooper jacket or did it come with it.

how has the stitching held up thruout the years.both on the cooper and wested?

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Post by 2-1B »

Indiana Holt wrote:welcome to the'r in good company.

the jackets look great.did you add those snaps on your cooper jacket or did it come with it.

how has the stitching held up thruout the years.both on the cooper and wested?

Thanks! I have not added anything to my Cooper other than annual treatments of Saddle Wax to preserve and moisturize the leather. The snaps have always been on the jacket....all the way from when I was 13 years old and got it in the mail!

Does no one else have snaps on their Cooper?

The stitching has held up well on the Cooper. The interior lining, however, has been torn to #### through my adventures (I used to work in undercover narcotics and this used to be one of my "tough guy appearance" jackets! ) and has seen better days. Other than the lining, the only problem has been the conditioning of the leather. The neck collar area has chapped and cracked quite a bit from all of the wear. The rest of the jacket dries up really quickly if I don't routinely apply saddle wax to it every year with a rag and a hairdryer.

The Wested I've had for less than a year, so I cannot attest to the stitching quality. I really only wear the Wested as a dress jacket anyways.

Thanks so much for the welcome, Indiana Holt!
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Post by Holt » I have never heard of any snaps on the cooper...

cool that you have worked as a narcotics cop.

that's my main goal when I graduate from the police academy :D

I will for sure be wearing a indy jacket off course.hehe

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Post by 2-1B »

Indiana Holt I have never heard of any snaps on the cooper...
Wow. Maybe I have an anomaly? Or perhaps you're thinking of the Disney jacket?

Can anyone else shed light on this?

I know it's a Cooper because I still have the tag that came with it 19 years ago. And I bought it from this Cooper Ad:

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Post by Holt »

yeah...I have never heard of that...but then again I have never been that intrested in the ToD cooper,so I never bothered to check that hard....
until now I have seen Magnoli's version of the ToD jacket :D it's a must have

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Post by Sabich »

I bought mine from the same exact soundtrack catalog around '90 or '91. Wore it all through high school & college. I loved that jacket. Now it's hanging in the closet next to my Wested Raiders Special.
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Post by 2-1B »

Sabich wrote:I bought mine from the same exact soundtrack catalog around '90 or '91. Wore it all through high school & college. I loved that jacket. Now it's hanging in the closet next to my Wested Raiders Special.
Hah! We are one in the same!

When I was in college I used to tell the ladies that my jacket was the Harrison Ford screen-worn edition....they never second-guessed me!

Why did you stop wearing it? Was it worn out? Didn't fit? Better alternatives?
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Post by Sabich »

I wore it constantly for those 8-10 years & eventually needed a change. I still wear it once in a while.
Maybe it's time to put it back in the rotation. :)
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Post by 2-1B »

Sabich wrote:Maybe it's time to put it back in the rotation. :)
Now more than ever. :D
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Post by serrecuir »

Welcome to the club. I, too, am (relatively) new to the Forum but have been visiting this site since 1999 and have been buying Indy gear for about a decade. Great jackets! I love the look and wear of your Cooper. That Wings LE is really nice too! I now wish I had picked up one of those beauties. I purchased my first Wested back in 2000, and it has aged nicely naturally. It's held up beautifully over the years.

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Post by Jinxed1 »

I purchased my Cooper jacket from Lucasfilm Fan Club also.
I ordered mine from the monthly magazine they put out and
I have that small soundtrack catalog also.

My jacket has the snaps. It swallows Pecards like it is
going out of style. I never treated it with conditioner when I was a kid,
so its always been on the dry side compared to my lamb Westeds.
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Post by nicetrylaoche »

Great Stuff...Man, I love the worn look of that Cooper' seems you have done it justice over the years (and it you)...And of course I love the USW LE jacket...that leather just looks more awesome everytime I see it...just out of curiosity, what is your favorite liner of all your jackets? I REALLY love the cotton lining in the LE...that's one FINE jacket collection! Keep up the good work!
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Post by 2-1B »

Jinxed1 wrote:It swallows Pecards like it is
going out of style.
nicetrylaoche wrote:just out of curiosity, what is your favorite liner of all your jackets? I REALLY love the cotton lining in the LE...
I can honestly say the lining in the LE is hands down the best of my three jackets...however, I don't remember how comfortable my cooper was when I first got it. Perhaps it was just as good?

But from the sheer feel of it, I think my US Wings LE KotCS jacket is the best made overall.
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Post by CM »

Like your USW best. I'd suggest getting Pecards for leather treatment or Lexol. Maybe with these you won' t get cracking leather. I've had jackets for 20 years that haven't cracked. Also like your Cooper. The Wested would be a lot better if those flaps weren't so narrow and weak.
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