Tony Nowak Jacket Qustion

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Tony Nowak Jacket Qustion

Post by mwells »

Is he using the same leather that was used on the film jackets somone that has been in contact with his has surley asked this question but I have not seen a post saying that was the case. I may try and call him tomarrow.
Stefan Hills
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Post by Stefan Hills »

yes, Tony will be using the same type of leather.
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Post by nicetrylaoche »

Stefan Hills wrote:yes, Tony will be using the same type of leather.
The same type of leather, perhaps. We won't know until we see one. The same leather used for the film jackets, NO. The limited editions from USW were made from the leftover leather from the exact same run the film jackets were constructed from. The tannery that supplied the film jackets also produced an extra 10,000 ft...of this second run, USW purchased 7000 ft (used to make the collectors edition jacket) and a California company got the other 3000 ft...Since Nowak is producing 777 of his jackets, he cannot be making such a number of jackets from only 3000 ft of leather. So he must have gotten his leather from an alternative source.
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

Maybe if they were reaaaally small jackets...
Minnesota Jones
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Post by Minnesota Jones »


Since most of the discussion is going on in the thread I just posted above, we'll try to keep all the discussion there.