Here's some pics of my two year old federation regular.. its lighten'd up a bit.. and its pretty dusty lookin.. how does it look after a few years? any suggestions? i was thinkin bout selling it and gettin a new Fed IV..
..sorry for the crappy pics.. i cant find my camera so i had to use the phone!
It looks like a well worn and well loved hat! I like it! It's developed a great character to it which is very Raiders in my eyes. Personally, I'd keep it. If you wanted to make it more SA (if you're bothered by that type of thing) you could swap out the ribbon and put something on with a better bow. Apart from that, I like the quirks it's developed with age and use.
Where are the stretch marks you're talking about? I think it looks like it's been through heck and back the natural way, which is what I like about it. As for taper, it looks a bit tapered on the shot with you wearing it, but it could also be distortion form holding the camera at arm's length. Other shots of just the hat make it look pretty even sided in comparison, though it's gone a tad asymmetrical, another nice quirk, in my opinion. Have you ever reblocked this hat? Has it seen some good soaking rain? I'm assuming most of the distressing is from natural wear, or is it otherwise? If this hat has seen constant use and wear since you've had it, it's held up pretty darn nicely in the taper department from what I can tell. Sure, there are some slight taper areas from some angles, but I've seen others with very noticeable taper which have seen less action that this hat appears to have seen.
This here 'jude' guy is a Navy man, bink! If it HASN'T been soaked, he hasn't tried hard enough!!
The good thing about these hats is they're rebuildable, jude. If you're not happy with it's current look, get it reblocked and overhauled. That said, I agree with bink! Looks GREAT as is. If you want another hat, order one, but keep this one as a back up! It's got your personal character now!
Thought I would jump in this thread and ask a quick question regarding re-blocking (this may need a thread by itself, I do not know) Mickelson, any idea of roundabout fiqure on cost of reblocking, I have an old Akubra Drover, never worn, but was stored for a very long time unbashed apparently and needs an overhaul...I don't mean to hijack this thread, and b.t.w, I would not sell your old fed, looks great as is, as soon as you sell it, you'll probably regret it...
THanks Michaelson! You were the one that pointed me in the right direction when i first boought it. thanks for the advice.. its been soaked and beat to ####.. the inside looks perfect.. i clean the headband so i dont break out on my forehead. the liner got ripped out and glued back in.. my daughter finds it and runs around the house with it.. so its been child abused..its been all over the world.. the first port i went to with it was Seychelles where they had GIANT VAMPIRE BATS.. nahhh just those huge fruit bats that were in TOD.. i got to hold one.. one of the islanders had one as a pet..
..i think im gonna keep it!
Good man for keeping it! Besides, it's been on some great adventures and still looks good. That ALONE is worth holding onto it for! I believe you can get replacement ribbon from
you Gents' are too kind ! you might be right about regretting selling it.. i just sold my jacket to get a new one and i wont have one for the DAY! 22May.. im just gonna have to go with my ol' fed
I'd keep it!! I hope someday 20yrs down the line I can tell my kids about how I got my hats, even got the hat made by the guy who made them for the film. I hope that I can pass one on to them and have them show the 40yr old AB to their kids. I love antiques because they're VERY rare and I can foresee that a fedora will be just as rare in 20, 40, 60 yrs as it is today. Hold onto those lids because we may never have another Steve Delk, Marc Kitter, Ken Spasiona, etc... The only key to preventing extinction is preservation.
Well Put IndianaSolo! i always wanted a second fed but i dont wear ait that much to justify getting a second one passed my wife.. now my jacket was in use all the time.. even wore it in the summer..
hey hey.. im a broke guy! i had it flat at first and then i thought.. hey Tropicana will do the trick ! i knew you guys would gag on me for that!
thats why i post!
thanks for the replies Gents!
does anyone else have the stretch marks or light spots that almost look like bun marks in their fed?