Adventurebilt Shirt

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Adventurebilt Shirt

Post by theinterchange »

I did a search on this but am coming up with nothing. Where can one go online to look at the Adventurebilt shirt and or order it?

Just curious..

also, what do the owners of said shirt think of it?


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Post by BendingOak »

look at adventurebilt deluxe. Marc Kitter who you want to talk to.
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Post by theinterchange »

thanks but, I know that much already. Just wondered if I missed it somewhere online. I checked the AB site and didn't see anything.
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Post by Indiana »

Send Marc an email and talk with him. That'd be your best bet.
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Post by theinterchange »

Thanks for the roundup.. my search dragnet must've not been tight enough, I didn't get several of these.

It just seems that for the most part people don't talk about the shirts.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

I actually have one on order that should be here soon, along with an AB holster. I'll post pics as soon as I get them.
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Post by theinterchange »

Chewie.. how much did the shirt cost?

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Post by Chewie Louie »

I believe it was about $100 US thanks to the weak dollar. I ordered it before hearing about Todd's offering. Still the pics look great and everything AB has done so far is top notch.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

Just got my AB shirt in the mail today. Very light weight and comfortable. Should wear well down here in Florida (or some jungle) where it gets pretty hot and humid. Right now, it's pretty bad outside (90 degrees). Anyway, I'll try to get pics up as soon as possible.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

As promised, here are some pics of my new AB shirt after it has been through the wash. On the left, is my What Price Glory shirt size 16/34. The AB is a large. The photo was taken outside in direct sunlight.

Here is a close-up.

The AB shirt with a recently bought pair of LL Bean's in Taupe.

With Todd's 72" strap and my Mark VII?

The verdict: The What Price Glory is much thicker and the buttons seem to be attached more secure. I should have taken a close-up of the stitching at the bottom of the shirt. The WPG seems to be finished better. The AB on the other is a much lighter shirt. This will no doubt be more comfortable to wear in the hot and humid conditions of South Florida. The material is pretty thin and if I got it wet I'm sure it would look like the pic from TOD on IndyGear Main where you can see Ford's skin underneath. Finally, I also think that the AB color is more SA. Overall, I like the AB better. It gets the win.

I would love to see a comparison between the AB and Todd's new offering. Anyone?
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Post by midwestwhips »

Hey Chewie Louie,

Thanks for posting the pics, I was curious to see a comparison with the WPG shirt.

I got my todds shirt in wednesday morning before we went to the midnight showing. I absolutely love the fit, but the color is a bit dark. I will be posting a pic comparing my Wested/Noel Howard/AB/New Todd's in the next day or so when I get a spare minute. I'll try to get some in the sun, and some indoors as well.

I got my AB from a member on COW, how much are they direct from Marc, and how do I go about ordering? I plan on picking up at least one more from AB.


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Post by starks_6 »

midwestwhips wrote:Hey Chewie Louie,

Thanks for posting the pics, I was curious to see a comparison with the WPG shirt.

I got my todds shirt in wednesday morning before we went to the midnight showing. I absolutely love the fit, but the color is a bit dark. I will be posting a pic comparing my Wested/Noel Howard/AB/New Todd's in the next day or so when I get a spare minute. I'll try to get some in the sun, and some indoors as well.

I got my AB from a member on COW, how much are they direct from Marc, and how do I go about ordering? I plan on picking up at least one more from AB.


Paul Nolan
I agree, I just got my TODDs shirt an in comparison colour wise to the AB the AB wins. The TODDs is a great fitting shirt though and I cant more highly recommend it...its brilliant for $50!
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Post by Raider »

theinterchange, AB is truly fantastic! I own Wested as well but AB's shirt is just another league! Color and cut are great.


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Post by TheMechanic »

Nice looking shirt. Love the color. Looks "stone" color like the Raiders shirt.
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Post by midwestwhips »

Hey Chewie Louie,

Here's the pictures comparing the Noel Howard, Adventure built, Wested, and Todd's New shirts. I didn't have a chance to snap any indoor pictures, but I think these outdoor shots show everything well enough.

Here's the rundown of my opinion on the shirts:

Adventure Built - It has the best color for the Raiders shirt, and a great all around look. Plus I absolutely LOVE the tag!

Noel Howard - The color is a little dark, but it looks the most accurate, and wrinkles wonderfully. It looks great as a TOD.

Todd's - The color is the darkest, and has a pretty good TOD look, the best part is the fit, it really feels like Indy's shirt when you are wearing it.

Wested - The color is the lightest, and it doesn't wrinkle all that much, but it is the nicest shirt out of the bunch. What I mean by that is that it is the most "dress shirt" like of the three.

They are all great shirts, and I have been having a great time trying out a different one each day.

Also, they have all been washed in cold water, and hang dried.


Adventure Built - XL, but the sleeves were shortened by a local tailor. I think I'll likely get a Large soon.

Noel Howard - Large, Tall. The sleeves are slightly long, but not too long that they need to be shortened. It fits very nicely.

Todd's - Large, and the fit is great. Broad shoulders, and slimmer in the waist more than the others. It fits the tightest of all of them.

Wested - Large, it fits very nicely, almost as tight as the Todd's.

Here are the comparison pics:





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Post by GeordieIndy »


Has anyone heard if Marc will be using the new Adventurebilt logo on his shirts in the future?


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