Packing Heat

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Packing Heat

Post by Krauser »

I didn't know if I should've put this in the Guns and Holsters topic or this, so I went with this. The question is: what kinds of guns do you own/have fired?

I own:

My pride and joy, a Luger P08.

A Rem 870 for hunting. ... 36x434.jpg

A Ruger M77, also for hunting.

And an H&K MK23, just in case.
Don't have any pics of it just, yet, I might post some later.

I've also fired a .45ACP Hand Ejector. :wink: Never got around to buying one, though.
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Post by Indiana »

Oh gosh, I own too many guns to count! :lol:

I have three favorites: 9-43 Dated Winchester M1 Carbine (which is now Indy Screen Accurate, after seeing the trailer! :D ), an all matching M1 Garand, and a .50 caliber flintlock muzzleloader which I built myself. I also have other guns which are all fun to shoot, but these are my favorites. Another interesting gun I have is an 1840's dated I Hollis and Sons shotgun which my GGGranddad (on my dad's side) brought with him from Ireland during the Potato Famine. It's a wreck, but I am currently restoring it.

Now that WWII era guns will be in Indy4, hopefully I will be able to help out with people who want to get their own. I've become pretty knowledgeable over the years from owning and shooting these guns. I really hope we get to see Indy shooting a Garand or Carbine, they just seem to shout Indy. Espcially the Carbine, it seems about perfect for an Indy Rifle...

Funny story about the flintlock muzzleloader, actually. When I first became interested in black powder shooting, I was looking for a good forum to join and learn. I finally decided on the Traditional Muzzleloading Association, but once I was there I found that fatdutchman, from here at COW, was also a member there! Talk about chance running into someone from here, there!

I turned 18 last month and applied for my Concealed Carry Permit so I am in the market for a new pistol now too. I've got my eye on some Indy Guns... :lol:
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

I have 4 black powder pistols, 2 black powder rifles, a 9 mm Walther PPK, vintage Sharps and Spencer carbines, a Brown Bess musket constructed from parts, an 1873 Winchester rifle, a Harper's Ferry caplock, a WW II M1 carbine with a submariner crest engraved on the stock (?no idea why; it was a present to my father years ago), and several BB and pellet long guns and pistols. Unfortunately, they are all in storage or at my father's house in Waco currently while I rebuild my house. :cry:

I have a license to carry in Massachusetts, not easy to get, which I obtained years ago when I worked for the police in IT, but I don't pack often...
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Post by Texas Raider »

Hey dude, what caliber is that Ruger?? Are those the rounds for it standing there?


Here's a few of mine-

[img][img][/img][/img] Obviously, none of my long guns in th ... ifle! TR
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Post by Magnum Jones »

Here is one cabinet, I have one more plus a few more handguns, i was running out of room. My pride and joy in there is my 1903 springfield in 3006.

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Post by Texas Raider »

Hey, Magnum, I just inherited one of those 1903's from my fathers estate. It's pretty nice. Nice collection you got there, bro! I'm not sure if I want to keep the 1903 yet, gotta think about it awhile (not much on sentiment in my family, don't bash me! ;-) )

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Post by Texas Raider »

LOL! This cracks me up! Why do we gun owners always take pics of our guns ON THE BED! Hahahahahaha!

Ya know the wives are hating it! :twisted:

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Post by Magnum Jones »

Texas Raider wrote:Hey, Magnum, I just inherited one of those 1903's from my fathers estate. It's pretty nice. Nice collection you got there, bro! I'm not sure if I want to keep the 1903 yet, gotta think about it awhile (not much on sentiment in my family, don't bash me! ;-) )

May want to hang on to that 1903, all the numbers on mine match, the bore is mint and so is the stock. The finish is gone but it is in great shape. Those are getting hard to come by.
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Post by The Pilot »

Nice Luger! :tup: I used to have one in the same condition. I sold it yonks ago to buy my (Italian-made) Beretta 92. I don't regret the Beretta, but I sure wish I had that Luger back!

In answer to your question: Many. From black powder Colt (Ubertis), to a Winchester 1892 that's 111 years old this year, to the dreaded 'black guns' so feared by some members of our society, the ones I posted a photo of in another thread, revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, single-action, double-action, lever-action, bolt-action, single-shot... I haven't counted recently, but I don't think I have 40 yet. (Actually I think I'm going to sell my unfired Shiloh Sharps .45-70. I don't really have a use for it.)
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Post by bigrex »

Here's some:

Top: Mosin Nagant 91/30 - takes 7.62x54R ammo, rough equivalent to .308, but much cheaper surplus ammo. Gun only costs around $85 but would be over $1000 to produce today. Below: Yugoslavian SKS 59/60 prices are going up on these as suplus is no longer imported, got mine for only around $100, takes 7.62x32 ammo, gun used succesfully by Vietnamese in Vietnam vs. U.S. and in Afghanistan vs. Russia. Below: Saiga 20" "sniper" sporting rifle AK-47, these are the best bargain ak-47's on the market, made by Izhmash in Russia, much better than the lower quality romanian models, got this one for only about $280, takes 7.62x39 ammo which is still cheap despite the war in Iraq. Bottom: Marlin model 60 .22 rifle, probably one of the best value well-made 22's ever produced, great for target practice as the ammo is $9.99 at Wal-Mart for a 550 round box. This model 22 holds 14 rounds and is semi-automatic, only about $120.

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Post by Indiana MarkVII »

I've inheirited my father's old Remington 870 12 gauge. The first time I fired it was at last weekends' NRA sponsored Basic Shotgun class trying to hit some clay pigeons. The 10 pigeons I tried all got lucky that day.
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Post by cooncatbob »

Here's my Buffalo Rifle.
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Post by JerseyJones »

Ah, nice to see such sweet collections,

I have very few guns, but I do have a real WWII relic Colt .45 ACP, a mid 1950's SW K-38 with target sights, and my ol reliable HK .45 USP. Truth is, I'd still rather use the colt .
I'll try to post pix later.

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Post by BendingOak »

My wife and I have a bunch but my favorite is Mauser boomhsndle 9mm
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Post by Indiana Bond »

Yes I also have too many to count. Something like 50 plus firearms! I'm also a member of SASS so I have quite a collection of "cowboy" revolvers and rifles. Along with all those wonderfull items I acquired while I had my FFL back in the late eighties early ninties. Also have some nice items that I inherited from my dad.

As fas as Indy firearms. I have a Browning Hi-Power, Webley WG, and a Walther PPK.

For all of us firearms owners out there. Make sure to remember to support the N.R.A. and if your not a member please JOIN!!
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Post by Texas Raider »

Took a couple quick pics-

Since these two model guns are in the new flick-(pics taken without magazines, of course)

My Polish AK-47-

[img][img][/img][/img] [img][url= ... .jpg[/img][/img][/url]

And one of my trusty ol' .30 Carbines :wink: (paratrooper, of course)


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Post by Mark Brody »

Magnum Jones wrote:My pride and joy in there is my 1903 springfield in 3006.
I saw that one right away. I broke so many 1903A3 stocks when I was on a drill team. We used real rifles with wooden stock (not the fake drill rifles you see so often these days). Just thinking about all the concussions and stitches we got over the years puts a smile on my face. :D
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

As you may well know, the firearms situation here in the Old World is somewhat different. I have however laid my grubby paws on (and fired) a bunch of hunting rifles (mostly Swedish and US ones) and shotguns. As for the handguns, opportunities have been scarce - I've fired a 9mm SIG-Neuhausen P210-6 and a few .22's.
Then, there's the military weapons - the Carl Gustav M/45 SMG, the Swedish version of the FN-MAG machine gun and the Ak 4, Swedish version of the H&K G3 assault rifle. Oh, and in case ASW grenades, naval mines and depth charges count, I've killed a lot of fish with those. :wink:

As for owning guns... I only have one for the moment... my pride and joy - a very un-Indy-ish gun, granted, but still - my Franchi SPAS 12:

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Post by Texas Raider »

Ha! I posted about my SPAS I sold just a while ago. :wink: Great gun, but I simplified :wink:

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Post by Texas Raider »

Texas Raider wrote:
Great gun, but I simplified :wink:

I sold my SPAS and bought a pair of these- :wink:

[img][img][/img][/img] Remington 870 police limited issue ... TR
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Post by Indiana Scones »

Gentlemen, very nice collections indeed. I only have a few,
including only one handgun - a Bersa Thunder .380 (think PPK),
and three rifles - a Russian SKS, an Israeli Heavy Barrel FAL, and a
Browning M1919A6, the last two pictured below. I'm hoping
for an appearance by the 1919 in KOTCS, just so I could finally
have a screen accurate firearm.

The first one combines three hobbies of mine: kilts, firearms, and Indy.
Oh yeah, and there's my great-great-grandfather's rifle from the Civil War above
the mantel.
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Post by theinterchange »

I don't own any Indy firearms myself.. but really want to change that soon. Only own a Ruger 10/22 my Dad gave me years ago, and a Remington 12 gauge shotgun [yet another gun my Dad didn't want so he gave to me things] He currently has a nice S&W 44 Mag, which he's never fired, and a Beretta [the exact model is up for debate by us and several friends] 22 derringer. Does anyone know anything about older Berettas?
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Post by Michaelson »

If it's a semi auto 22 short Beretta, it's probably a 'Minx'. The .25 was the same gun and frame, but called the 'Jetfire'.

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Post by theinterchange »

Michaelson wrote:If it's a semi auto 22 short Beretta, it's probably a 'Minx'. The .25 was the same gun and frame, but called the 'Jetfire'.

Regards! Michaelson
A gunsmith friend thought it was a Minx, but on further examination said it wasn't. He has a Minx. It has mod 1950 engraved on it. He was thinking it was just some variation of a 950. [It's an Italian made version.. not the Brazilian contract version.] Yes, it's a semi auto 22 short. Fun to shoot but hard to hit anything with that short barrel. Except maybe the end of a finger if one gets careless.
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Post by Mossyrock »

I also fall into the "too many to count" category, but one of them is a Webley MkVI. Beautiful piece. Back in the early 80's, I built a replica of the Stembridge Hand Ejector using a 1917 S&W, complete with barrel band front sight. It was complete with the original "Gold Seal" grips. I sold it in a fit of incredible stupidity....
Last edited by Mossyrock on Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Michaelson »

theinterchange wrote:
Michaelson wrote:If it's a semi auto 22 short Beretta, it's probably a 'Minx'. The .25 was the same gun and frame, but called the 'Jetfire'.

Regards! Michaelson
A gunsmith friend thought it was a Minx, but on further examination said it wasn't. He has a Minx. It has mod 1950 engraved on it. He was thinking it was just some variation of a 950. [It's an Italian made version.. not the Brazilian contract version.] Yes, it's a semi auto 22 short. Fun to shoot but hard to hit anything with that short barrel. Except maybe the end of a finger if one gets careless.
The Minx was just the 1970 version of the model 1950. The only difference was the added safety. Exact same gun.

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Post by rebelgtp »

my dad had one of those minx handguns when I was a kid. I remember it fit my hands perfect when I was little but my dad tried to shoot it one day and the slide took a big chunk out of his hand
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Post by Michaelson »

Me too, but it was my .25 that did the deed. :lol:

Like your Dad, I bet he did exactly the same thing I did and tried to use a revolver hold on it. #-o

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Post by Jaredraptor »

Well, I don't own any guns myself yet. But I will be getting my grandad's M1 Carbine and my dad's M1903 after my first four years of college. Possibly sooner.
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Post by Luke Warmwater »

Cheeze whiz, lets see if I can remember them all...

Had and sold:
S&W Model 28 .357
Beretta 92 9mm
Browning HP 9mm
S&W Model 10 .38
Ruger Mk1 Standard .22
Desert Eagle .357
Ruger GP100 .357
Ruger 10/22 .22
FN/FAL .308

Still have:
Pennsylvania flintlock .54
Springfield M1855 .58
Springfield M1873 Trapdoor 45/70
Springfield M1896 30/40 Krag
Springfield M1903 .30
Springfield M1 Garand .30
AR-15 .223
Walther PPK .380
Colt M1908 .380
Colt M1911 .45 ACP
S&W M1917 .45 ACP
Para-Ordnance LDA .45 ACP
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Luke! I just noticed! You're in Kensington, MD, as in next to Silver Spring? If so, I'm minutes right around the corner from you!
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Post by Ozraptor »

Yeesh. As an Australian, divorced from American gun-culture, I can tell you right now that this is kind of worrying…
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Maybe so, but let's try to keep politics out of it, okay? :wink:
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Post by Luke Warmwater »

Ozraptor wrote:Yeesh. As an Australian, divorced from American gun-culture, I can tell you right now that this is kind of worrying…
Since you are on the other side of the planet, I don't see why you're worried.
binkmeisterRick wrote:Luke! I just noticed! You're in Kensington, MD, as in next to Silver Spring? If so, I'm minutes right around the corner from you!
PM'd ya.
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Post by Trebor »

I'm in the "too many to count" category as well.

Oddly, while I have some "Indy guns," including two FN Highpowers, an Enfield revolver, a Walther P-38, and a S&W Model 28 and a Model 10, I don't have any pictures of any of those. I'll have to correct that soon.

Here's some of the guns I do have pics of:


L to R: "Schmoozi " 9mm SMG, SAR-2 (5.45 AK-74 clone), FN-FAL 7.62x51 NATO, USGI M-1 Carbine, Daewoo AR-100 5.56 with Eotech.

Here's a couple close ups of my "Schmoozi." (Long story why I call it that...)


Yes, that "A" on the selector means what you think it does, and yes, it works, and yes, it is legal. (And, yes, it is pricey. Don't ask...)

Here's another shot of that Daweoo AR100. This is a great rifle I lucked into. Too bad they aren't imported anymore.


Here's my pair of CZ-75's. The shiny one has been customized and hard chromed. The black one is a military 75B from the Turkish contract.


Here's something closer to an Indy gun. This is a Finnish 28/30 Mosin Nagant used in either the Winter War or the Continuation War. I know this saw combat as there is shrapneal embedded in the stock. (I fear for the Finnish soldier who carried this...)


Here's a pair of M-1 Carbines. The top came from the DCM in the 60's. (Not to me, probably before I was born). The bottom one I bought from the CMP last year.


Here's another gun that fits in Indy's world. This is a Canadian built (Long Branch) #4 Mk 1. in .303 Brit.


And here's a post-WWII Enfield. This one is a #4 Mk. II still in the arsenal mummy wrap. I stumbled across this in the same shop that had the Daewoo and got them both for a good price.


Close up of the label on the wrap.


And here's a rifle that pre-dates Indy's adventures. It's a Martini-Henry rebuilt and rechambered in .303 Brit in 1898 and now designated as a Martini-Enfield. This is my second oldest firearm.

Some close ups of the markings on the M-E. These guns are fascinating to look at with all the dates, proof marks, and service marks.



And here's my oldest firearm. This is an original Martini-Henry Mk II in .450/577. I don't have a good full length shot of this, so here's a close-up. Note the handstamp on the "II." This gun was originally built as a Mk I and then upgraded later.


Here's a modern custom loaded .450/577 round. The originals would use paper patched bullets. A company called Ten-X loads this. It's about $4 a shot. I haven't shot this yet, but I will.


As you can tell, I like guns....
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Post by McFly »

If anybody ever breaks into my house - I'm calling a *gearhead!* :shock: :lol:

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Post by carebear »

McFly wrote:If anybody ever breaks into my house - I'm calling a *gearhead!* :shock: :lol:

The common response to that on gun boards is:

Don't bother, by the time they figure out the right gun to bring, the burglar will be long gone. :D
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

McFly wrote:If anybody ever breaks into my house - I'm calling a *gearhead!* :shock: :lol:
What if it's a Gearhead breaking into your house?
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Post by interbak »

Hey Trebor,

Nice collection, I'm looking for a nice original Lee Enfield No.4 to go with my No.5's.

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Post by Trebor »

interbak wrote:Hey Trebor,

Nice collection, I'm looking for a nice original Lee Enfield No.4 to go with my No.5's.

Thanks. We just bought a house so I won't be buying any new guns for awhile. At least I have a few to shoot...

The Enfields are still around on the secondary market. I got my #4 Mk 1 from a poster at Rec.guns about 10 years ago. He was selling off all his non-U.S. stuff to focus on U.S. WWII weapons.

The trick for me is to always keep my eyes open for what I'm interested in and have cash handy for when I find something. I've missed out on more then a few for lack of cash as well.

I'm still looking for a decent HE 2 or S&W M1917 for instance. When I have the cash, the guns are no where to be found, and when I don't have the cash, I bump across them everywhere it seems. I just missed a screaming deal on a 1917 for $200 a few months ago because I just couldn't scrape up the cash in two days and it sold after that.
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Post by Michaelson »

I just missed a screaming deal on a 1917 for $200 a few months ago because I just couldn't scrape up the cash in two days and it sold after that.
:shock: #-o

I haven't seen one priced that low since the '70's!

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Post by Trebor »

Michaelson wrote:
I just missed a screaming deal on a 1917 for $200 a few months ago because I just couldn't scrape up the cash in two days and it sold after that.
:shock: #-o

I haven't seen one priced that low since the '70's!

Regards! Michaelson
It was actually one of the 1937's from Brazil. It had some pitting, but was still a good deal. I think it was $200, it might have been $250. It wasn't any higher then that though. I just couldn't come up with the cash and didn't want to put it on plastic. It was in a local Gander Mountain and two days later it was gone.
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Post by McFly »

Snakewhip_Sable wrote:
McFly wrote:If anybody ever breaks into my house - I'm calling a *gearhead!* :shock: :lol:
What if it's a Gearhead breaking into your house?
Then it's hit the fan...! :shock: :lol:

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Re: Packing Heat

Post by Trebor »

Krauser wrote:I didn't know if I should've put this in the Guns and Holsters topic or this, so I went with this. The question is: what kinds of guns do you own/have fired?

I own:

My pride and joy, a Luger P08.
That's a nice looking Luger. What manufacturer and what year? Does it date to WWI like the map suggests? How's it shoot?

A P-08 is still on my list of guns I want. I have a P-38, but have yet to run across a Luger at the right time and the right price.

Did any of the characters in the movies use a P-08 Luger? I remember Indy using a P-38 in the tank, and I recall a PPK, but I don't remember any Lugers off the top of my head. There should be one somewhere though. Maybe in the truck fight in Raiders?
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Post by Crusader556 »

Nice thread, it's good see that there a quite a few gun owners here!

I own small collection of guns. I have several S&W revolvers and several Glock, HK and S&W semi-auto pistols in most of the major calibers.

I also have an HK M3 shotgun, Reminton 700PSS and a couple of AR15 carbines. I enjoy shooting the AR15 carbines the most.

Here's my Zombie hunting loadout... :wink:

This picture should keep Ozraptor awake at night... :D :wink:
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Post by RC Halliburton »

Was just cleaning out the car after the WWII reenactment.

As the British withdrew from Greece, was escorted the Princess to a waiting boat. We were ably assisted by a group of Greek partisans, who helped us battle combined German and Italian forces.

Good fighting in a system of trenches, as well as lively battles in the pines.
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Post by Rook »

I don't have much that's impressive regarding real steel.
a .22 pistol my Father In Law had.
A .22 bolt action rifle I got as a kid from my uncle.
Some Russian Mosin Nagant variant that my other uncle bought in the 1960s (7.62x54)
The Webley WG
Webley MKIV.

Lots of Airsoft though. :)

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Post by IndianaRedmon »

Here are the firearms I own. I'm looking to find a model 97 Winchester pump shotgun soon to add to the collection. I'll see what can be found at the Gun collectors show this weekend.

S-W M1917 origional
S-W M1917 (reissue)
Webley Mark VI (45 acp)
Walther P-38 (1942)
Browning Hi Power
M-1911 in 45 acp

Brown Bess Musket .75 caliber (Pedrisoli reproduction)
Martini- Henry Mark III in 577/450 (great shooter)dated 1885
Martini - Henry Mark IV 577/450 (restoring to shooting condition)
SMLE dated 1915 (Enfield)
SMLE dated 1936 (BSA)
SMLE dated 1927 (Lithgow)
SMLE dated 1941 (Lithgow)
SMLE dated 1942 (Ishapor)
Japanese Arisaka type 99 (7.7MM) (dated 1941)
Kar 98 Mauser (dated 1940)
30 M1 Carbine
Russian Mosin -Nagant 91/30
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Post by interbak »

Hey Red,

Those SMLE's are a bit of an addiction too, aren't they. Obviously the early ones are various No. 1's, what about the war dated ones, No.1 or No. 4's? I've got two No. 5 Jungle carbines, 1944 dated, and a never fired 1946.

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Post by JerseyJones »

I am in Awe of some of these line ups !

I did also forget to add the lil fella I call "The Voice of Reason" which is a a Mossberg 500 Stainless Steel 12 Gauge. Its a tank with the stopping power of one too.

Having also been a smallbore competition shooter, I also have my trust Anschutz 1413 and my RWS too. They will literally drive nails at 100 yards.

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