Comments while wearing indy fedora!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Mark Brody »

I got a pretty funny reaction a couple weeks ago. I walked out of a store, and some old guy pointed at me and laughed. I was so taken aback that I couldn't help but stare at the fool for about 5 steps as I walked back to my car.
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

Well last Sunday it was Cheerleader Competition #### at Disneyland. I was laughed at, called a geek, and complimented all in a 5 hour period. This time I was wearing my rebashed DP, Todd's jacket, and my Rockport Farnums.

All I got that day was overheated, sore feet, and a bruised ego................ :cry:

But I still had fun wearing the stuff! :lol:
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Post by WeeMadHamish »

I got "Dr. Jones" shouted at me by one of my neighbors the other day. Then again, I was wearing my Fed while cracking my whip in the backyard, so I suppose it was to be expected. ;)
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Post by Hunter Jones »

I seem to only get compliments while wearing my fedora. A couple of weeks ago I was passing by a menswear shop and the clerk came out to compliment and ask about my hat. We had a very pleasant conversation about hats and men's fashions. Indiana Jones never came up once.
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Post by Luke Warmwater »

ttocsic chemical wrote:I think you have to be a little bold to wear other than a baseball cap these days.
In my opinion, baseball hats have no place outside of a baseball game.
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Different hats...

Post by kiltie »

Here's an oddity - to my mind, anyway:

Wearing a Resistol San Antonio (Open Road clone) = about 10-15 "Indy" comments.
Wearing grey Stetson with teardrop crown = lotta "Indy" comments
Wearing tawny Stetson Firenze with green blazer = multiple "Dr. Jones"


Wearing close enough jacket and brown Akubra Squatter = ZERO "Indy"s
Wearing Akubra Adventurer with Raiders pinch = ZERO "Indy"s
Wearing vintage Banana Republic Safari get up, complete with early BR fedora = ZERO "Indy"s

Somebody explain that to me.
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Post by WConly »

My feelings on this are simple...let them go. People are what they are and so are we! Wear your hats and what ever else you wish to wear -- after all, it is up to you to be 'you!' Worry not -- the issue is with the 'eye of the beholder!' Just my two cents! W>
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Post by hocfutue »

I was at Krispy Kreme a couple weeks ago. Woman in her 60s complimented me on my hat and wished her husband would wear a fedora and not "those **** baseball hats!"
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Post by Jedinizar »

Beside the usual comment I get from Cowboy to crocodile Dundee..

I was last Saturday night, in "the Museum night". It’s a special event here in Frankfurt am Main Germany, where all the Museum are opening from 7pm to 2am, and every museum have his own event. And you just pay one ticket and u can visit them all. Anyway, I was in a Film Museum, where they show old cameras, and the timeline of making movies etc... I had my Fedora on, and one Kid looked at me and than said something to his father, he looked back to me and said with laughter to his son: "well we are in a museum"...
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Post by WarrenJones »

I got more Indy comments with a 40 dollar cabellas hat, I havent gotten one with my Keppler yet
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Post by Buchanan Bob »

A woman said just today, " Bob, you remind me of someone. Now, who is it?" She thought on it for a little bit, and then says " Oh yeah, that Indiana Jones guy! I just love your hat." The woman with her just said, " I love your hat, Indiana Jones or not." They can make you feel good sometimes. :lol:
All the Best!
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Post by Indiana Joosse »

When I recently went to Egypt, I had made no concious descision to dress like Indiana Jones. I did however wear a straw hat, to protect my head from the sun.

Nevertheless, upon arrival in Egypt, I was greated by a customs official with the words:

"Hey Indiana, this way please..."
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Post by theinterchange »

I was at Game Stop and had a nice conversation with the employee about my new hat, boost to confidence on a first trip out in it, though, I'm used to wearing non ball cap hats, this was special.

Plus he recognized it for what it was.. an Indy fedora.

BUT, I am the type that unless it's an extreme case of insult I probably wouldn't be bothered by it because they're usually "clones" who spew negative things to those of us who dare to be different than the status quo.

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Post by morethanatimelord »

the only comment ive had was from a little boy on a train a few months ago...he turned to his dad and said " dad its indy" :D:D it was the cutest thing iv ever heard :D
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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

Usually I just get compliments. Just last week I was waiting for my order in Starbucks and had on one of my AB's and the barista guy making conversation says, "That is a great hat. It looks just like the one Indiana Jones wears." I say to him, "Well it should! The gentleman that made me this hat also made them for the newest Indiana Jones movie!". It was a very pleasant conversation.
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Post by DanielJones »

Our last Concert in the Park an older gentleman, who was a staff member for the event, walks up to me and says, "You didn't get that from around here." while pointing at my 1957 Legend. He loved it and wanted one. He had a really neat pith helmet on too. So we chatted hats for a some time while listening to swing music. I gave him Ken's information and he may order one. He almost want to buy my hat from me.
It's neat to see someone so excited about a hat and have nice things to say. Most folks I run into have compliments, anything negative would just be an odd look or two, but because I inherited my Pop's grumpy looks, those folks don't seem to have the nerve to try and poke the bear.


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Post by Indiana Tim »

My fedora was given to me as a birthday present from my parents (an Akubra Federation, of course! How could any self-respecting Aussie, let alone an Indy fan, not own one?!) Anyways, prior to about two months or so ago, I had only worn it rarely, and mostly around the house. Now though, the release of Crystall Skull has galvanised me into wearing my hat, and in nearly three months, the #### thing seemingly hasn't left my head since (as I mentioned in the City Hatters thread, in this particulary community that's not nessecarily a bad thing...)

Now the bad part. I attend university and I live in student lodgings, about a stones throw from Highpoint shopping centre in Melbourne's west. Everywhere I go, all I get from people is just stares. Weird stares that have "what the $%&! are you wearing on your head?" written all over them. A coule of times people have pointed at me (and the hat) across the way and giggled behind their hands with their friends.

I've become used to it over the years, being on the recieving end of all of this stuff thoughout my school life. I used to let it get to me, but now I just have a "what the ####" attitude. Now at least I have a friend to tough it out with me. He sits on my head and answers to whatever name I've settled on this week... :)
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