Wested arm/wrist openings

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Wested arm/wrist openings

Post by Cabinetman »

Anyone ever order a different dimension here? The end of the arms measure 13" in circumference, but it seems a bit wide. I was thinking 12-1/2" might be enough of a difference to make a difference, where 12" would get a bit tight perhaps (e.g., with a long sleeved shirt).

What are your thoughts?


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Post by Mike »

I haven't specified alternate wrist openings, but on my latest Wested order, I did ask for the arm hole to be widened as I was having to always adjust my shirt sleeves while putting on my previous lambstouch.

I'll let you know the outcome once it ships. There seems to be a back up of freight leaving the UK at the moment, and my tracking number hasn't been activated yet.

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Post by JohnNdy »

Perhaps this wider opening is remedied by requesting the "80's" patterns, which are a bit more form fitting...

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Post by Cabinetman »

80's pattern?...Could be. When I ordered my existing goat in March, I referenced the Chris King example on the Wested site. I don't know, however, if that was taken as "please use slimmer pattern" or "nice looking jacket of Mr. King's". Then again, I don't know if Chris King's is the slimmer or fuller cut. Also, at that time, I wasn't fully aware of a difference in patterns, so I'm not sure what I have. I suppose Peter would know if he keeps prior order specs.

I'd really like to replace my (recall "too short?" post prior to recent IG crash) current jacket with one that is longer, and while I am at it, change one or two small things as I've learned a bit more here and simply by wearing it.

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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

I have a 42 Goat and it measures at 12 inches on the inside and 13 inches when measured on the outside. Are you measuring on the inside or outside?

same measurements on my 44 predistressed goat
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Post by Cabinetman »

I'll have to check again...Good morning, and just a moment...

Ha! Isn't that something? I got basically what you did, Texas (may I call you "Texas"?). The left is bit smaller than the right, too.

Size 42 here, as well.

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Post by IndianaJames »

I have the same problem with this as you, on my last two jackets I requested a "narrower sleeve hem" because I feel as well they come stock too wide, (for me anyways). My last jacket I requested a 10 1/2" hem and I got 11" which is ok. But my first lambskin has always had cuffs that are too wide, I need to send it back!

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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Cabinetman wrote:The left is bit smaller than the right, too.

Size 42 here, as well.

maybe I read you wrong, but just to clarify on my end...I only measured one wrist area on each of the jackets. I first measured around the inside and got 12 inches. Then I measured the same wrist area but around the outside getting a reading of 13 inches, which makes sense since the leather thickness adds about an inch.
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Post by Cabinetman »

Indiana Texas-girl wrote:maybe I read you wrong, but just to clarify on my end...I only measured one wrist area on each of the jackets. I first measured around the inside and got 12 inches. Then I measured the same wrist area but around the outside getting a reading of 13 inches, which makes sense since the leather thickness adds about an inch.
You know, originally (like a month or two ago), I can't remember where I measured the cuff. I know I got 13" at that time, so I must have measured the outside. You read me right, and then when I measured my own again today, I got what you did basically, inside and out, and then I was surprised at the findings. So, I guess on the next jacket, I'd be interested in 12-1/2" outside circumference.

Oh, and my left sleeve is a bit smaller than the right one. Where the right one measures 13" around on the outside, the left one measured about 12-3/4". The difference between the outside and inside on each is the same.

Does that help? Sorry if I was a bit confusing.

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Post by FLATHEAD »


You may want to ask Peter to add an extra inch or so to just the front
of the jacket. M.K. made this suggestion awhile back. It helps with
the "riding up" look of the front of the jacket when zipped up.

I sent mine back to get another from Peter with the extra added to
just the front. I haven't recieved it yet, as it is in the pile that he just
sent out.

I remember asking you awhile back about your front measurement and
I think you told me it was about 23 inches or so. Is it still that measurement?
Or has his shrunk since then as the lamb tends to do?

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Post by Cabinetman »

Flatsy, how goes it??

I don't know what the front measures. I never had that problem, though. Had it on today, in fact, and checked that very thing. Looks good all the way around (except too short) - nice and level. Something worth noting on the order, I suppose...just kind of a "do what you need to so this won't happen." Ah - that's probably not necessary. Thanks for the tip/reminder.

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Post by rick5150 »

Anyone ever order a different dimension here? The end of the arms measure 13" in circumference, but it seems a bit wide. I was thinking 12-1/2" might be enough of a difference to make a difference, where 12" would get a bit tight perhaps (e.g., with a long sleeved shirt).
Absolutely! I must have thin wrists, but I have five Westeds. The first three (predistressed, goat and new cowhide) had 12" circumference cuffs, while my first authentic lambskin had 13" cuffs and was very blousy. I had to call and speak tho Jerry at Wested as to what I wanted. I ordered 11 1/2" cuffs and for my build, this is perfect. It may not be practical but I always thought the Raider's clothes were form-fitting (especially the jacket and shirt). The baggy look is not for me.

I did make one mistake about the back length that shows I should have listened to the masters at Wested :oops: . I ordered a 22" back length since I am short waisted and the other jackets looked like car coats. It looked great at first, but the length is now at 20 1/2". Maybe I will get it right with my 6th jacket. (My first 3 are standard 24" backs and fit fine, BTW)
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Post by Indydawg »

I've got the same thing going on with my Wested distressed cowhide Raiders jacket from way back in 2000. It's like the sleeves are the same width/circumference all the way down with no taper to the cuff like you have on the Expedition and US Wings jacket. It makes for very floppy and open cuffs and on me it's pretty goofy lookin'. One of the reasons I hardly ever wear my Wested anymore....


PS-Remedy? Specifically ask for tapered sleeves.
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