From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Out of curiousity, I just have to ask if anyone thinks a coat-peg rack, like the one pictured below, would be a good idea for use as a bullwhip rack?
(Ignore the name, crayons, etc... Just used the first picture I found off google)
I am rather curious about this, since while I do intend to use a more elaborate set-up for my 'display' bullwhip, I am trying to find something economical that I could use for future bullwhips that won't damage or otherwise just be bad for the bullwhips in the long run...
That was more or less what i was planning on doing to display my hat whip and bag. put the hat n bag on a shelf then fit 2 wooden pegs (somehow) to the front of the shelf and rest the whip over them. handle on the left one early bit of the thong on the right if you get my meaning. horizontal kinda thing.
Sort of like this, but with the pegs on the edge of the shelf.
I've considered one of those expanding hat racks...Y'know, the ones that are like trelliswork...To hang my whips on. Unfortunately (or fortunately, to some) I have too many for this to work...
BTW, those shelves are really easy to build...Pegs on the shelf would be a little tricky, though...What's wrong with hanging them underneath? Keeps some dust off 'em...
I have considered those too. I would still be careful. Having the whip close to a dog, cat or even field mice is tempting thing to chew on. I stow mine away in a tennis players bag. I got the very large version that can hold about 10 tennis rackets. It has two main compartments and plenty of smaller pockets to stow extra falls, crackers, leatherman, pecards, etc.... I can store over 20 whips in the 10 pack bag.
I know of at least a few whip artists and makers that store whips on pegged hangers like those and they seem to work just fine. Usually they will hang them by the wrist loop or tie them up with a loop in the fall or use a whip holder to hang them up on the pegs. I haven’t heard of them having any problems with that kind of set up. Like Sergie said too though, keep them out of reach of critters.
I've been thinking of something like this as well, but my idea was to have only two pegs; one that fits roughly in the middle of the coiled thong, and the other that supprts the handle in a fairly level way. Two pegs, roughly 10-12 inches appart ought to do the job I should think.
As I rotate my whips for display, I use a couple of 6' hat stands with 8 pegs that I purchased on line from Target.
I think you can purchase something similar from Ikea.