Whats this I hear

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Whats this I hear

Post by morgan »

When was it announced that MBA is going away. What happened?

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Post by schwammy »

It was announced a couple weeks ago, then COW's server went down and we lost 3 months worth of posts, so there's no record of it now. But it is happening in September, unfortunately. I talked with Mr. Howard last week and he said they were out of ties and running low on bags & straps. He also said that he can't get any more Raiders trousers fabric 'right now' (which, since they're going out of business, I guess means 'ever'). So when the Raiders trousers are gone, they're gone. He said he can make more TOD trousers if he runs out before closing date. He said he was still fairly well stocked on shirts, but again, once they're gone, they're gone. :cry:

To quote Anthony Hopkins, "We cannot always have what we want. And wishing cannot make it so..."
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

And when the day closes, we all agreed to take a moment and drink a toast to Noel and the fine work he's done for us in the past.

Godspeed, Noel... hope everything works out for you in the end.
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