From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I finished this whip today. I believe this is the best one yet. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out and the fall knot is only half bad, rather than the tangled mess I usually end up with
Yeah, you've got some really good things going on with this one, particularly the knots (the turksheads along with the fall hitch). Huge improvements with each new whip you post, definitely.
Thanks guys, and yes Lauren, I took it out right after I finished it. It cracks wonderfully. I tried my best to make it to the same dimensions that Sergei had posted in his drawing. The heel knot came out to the exact same size in both width and length (to the mm). The handle is 2mm oversize, the wrist strap is 1mm undersize. The transition knot is 5mm too wide, I should have used thinner lace than I used for the heel knot but didn't realize it at the time.
Last edited by Cracker on Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks, it is made of veg tan calf. This is my 3rd leather whip but I have made 6 nylon whips. This one has six plait and 8 plait bellies and two bolsters.
All the leather came from Ebay. I would guess I've got around $60 in leather total in the whip. It's hard to say how long it took me because it has been in the works for almost 3 weeks. I couldn't work on it the past 2 weekends because of other obligations. I would just work on it a little bit each day after work.
Cracker wrote:All the leather came from Ebay. I would guess I've got around $60 in leather total in the whip. It's hard to say how long it took me because it has been in the works for almost 3 weeks. I couldn't work on it the past 2 weekends because of other obligations. I would just work on it a little bit each day after work.
Sweet really? I have often wondered if it would be cheaper to just try and learn to make one instead of spending like $900 on one. I live in Alberta, Canada, and if there is one thing here, it's ranchers....I wonder if I could get some leather here.
Did you cut it yourself and everything? (if you have another thread detailing these questions please point me to it)
the whip looks good. Did you notice you have two crossed strands in the thong? You can see it in the middle of the bottom picture of your post.
I hate it when that happens, I won't notice it until I've braided a foot or so past it, then it becomes an issue of whether or not to go back an fix it.
The whip is fantastic for your 3rd leather one. Here's my third one:
Hi Crazylegs, yes I cut the strands from whole hides. If you want to learn, start with some para cord.
Louie, it's not crossed. The plaiting soap has obscured the line between the strands.
No problem Crazylegs. Read this thread if you haven't already. viewtopic.php?t=25992
I got the nylon from a couple of sources: Ebay and the internet. I haven't bought any roo yet, so I can't help with that.