My meeting with Peter from Wested!!!

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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My meeting with Peter from Wested!!!

Post by nicktheguy »

I'm doing some research in London this week and decided to go visit Peter in Swanley. I had no intentions of buying another jacket.....

He was busy working on several of COW members jackets- and it was me that delayed him working on them for about a half hour...he he he!

His shop is amazing! He is a great guy! AND he showed me some new samples of some amazing leathers.....I promised not to tell people what may be in store but it is incredible....then he showed me the novapelle...very nice stuff indeed - but my eyes drifted to a very cool jacket - it was a lamb (I already have a lamb and was wearing my horsehide in there)....he let me try it on...and it fit perfectly - then he made me an offer I couldn't awesome deal that I jumped at. The leather is wonderful, the fit is great and I am very happy. Then I was going to go and he offered me a lift back to the station. What a guy. We had a great chat about things, and some very cool leathers....which I won't tell about in the forum - and I scored one heck of a jacket at an amazing price. I may post pictures when I get back to Canada...

Peter - you are a gentleman and one great stand - up guy. I look forward to discussing the hybrid motorcyle jacket in greater detail!!!! It was an honor to meet you.

Scandinavia Jones
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

Congrats on your Swanley visit! Peter is indeed a top man - a friendly, generous guy. Next time when in London, I'll have to do Wested again...

Cheers for sharing!
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Post by Bruce Wayne »

about how far is he from london?
Scandinavia Jones
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

bruce wayne wrote:about how far is he from london?
About 25 mins by train.
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

It seems like when you go to visit Peter in England you probably have the best experience ever. I guess if I ever go over to London I should stop by over to Peter's shop. Great experience nicktheguy, thanks for sharing. Did you get a chance to look at that prewashed lambskin?? Peter mentioned it a while ago, how does that stuff look?? Well I guess we will eventually know if Peter is offering any different type of hide anytime soon. Great story nicktheguy, Peter has always been helpful when I have called over the phone. I bet it is even more awesome in person. Thanks for sharing.

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