Anyway, to my surprise the jacket shrunk a little from the treatment, and is now both shorter (in body and sleeves) and tighter than before. Since it is a TOD model, the length of the body is still fine, I think. I can still use it, but at this time of year, with a heavy sweater underneath, it's literally a bit of a stretch.
Worrying that I might have ruined the jacket anyway also emboldened me to have a go at it with sandpaper (I was after the slightly worn look in the first place), something I hadn't had the nerve to before. First some very fine 600 grain sandpaper was used, and when that didn't have much of an effect on the leather, I started using something much coarser (no number on it, unfortunately, but I guess it's around 100). Conclusion: Goat is very resistant to sandpaper but I did manage to make a few dents in places!

So, inviting comments on size/fit and results of soaking/sandpapering, here are a couple of pictures:
Front, open & closed:

Side, open & closed. Notice how the action pleat is being forced open when the jacket is closed:

Back, open & closed:

So, what do you think? Is it too short or tight?