Black Aldens....

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Black Aldens....

Post by IndianaJames »

Id like to get a pair of boots I could wear to nicer occasions, and the like - I'm debating whether or not to have a new pair custom made from Alden, or to get a pair and have them dyed. I know Rick Blaine had his custom dyed brown, I forget how much is costed, but I think I remember the results being favorable. The only problem with getting custom boots, is I think they would have to use a different leather, and one of the reasons the Aldens work so well is the stiff cordovan.... Can anyone comment on this for me?

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Post by Pyroxene »

I think I am reading you question as to whether or not the Black Aldens are a good dress shoe? If so, I love my black Aldens. They are very comfortable. If you wore Aldens before you will have no problem adjusting to these. I get compliments on them all the time.

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Post by IndianaJames »

Pyro -
HOLD own black Aldens? Did you have them dyed or did you order them? Any pics?

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Post by CEEJAY928 »

whoa.... black aldens?????

do you have pics. Are they the 405, but in black? dyed or special ordered?

cant wait to see pics.

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Post by cliffhanger »

Yup, black Aldens exist, and this is the best pic I could find. I am sure if you go to Search you can find the one I am thinking of.

I think these are Sergei's...


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Post by Mike »

I believe the black ones are Rundquist's and they are a slightly different model than the 405's. They're built as a dress boot. Notice the different toe design. I'm sure someone will chime in with the correct number of the shoe... it escapes me know. I think you'd be much better going with this shoe than having the 405's made in black.

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Post by Pyroxene »

They are called the Alden 86 Black


They cost about the same price as the 405.

They don't have the Neoprene oil resistant cork sole of the 405. The sole is "prime selection oak bend leather outsoles".

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Post by Rundquist »

You can get a black Alden 405 factory dyed by Alden. I believe that it costs about $150 more than the regular cost. I saw a pair at Frederick’s Basic Shoe (where Harrison Ford got his original ones when he was a carpenter) in Sherman Oaks, California. In my opinion they looked okay, but definitely not dressy. I was expecting them to look a lot cooler, actually. Maybe if I owned a pair they would grow on me. The Alden 86 is a dress boot. It should be worn as such. They can't take punishment. You have to ask yourself what's important. I hope this helps. Cheers
Last edited by Rundquist on Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IndianaJames »

Hmmm, those are nice, but I wanted something I dont have to worry about! Perhaps I will look into factory dying the Aldens or possibly having them dyed locally....Thanks for all the help!


PS Rundquist a big thanks for shipping the hat!!
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Post by Rundquist »

IndianaJames wrote:

PS Rundquist a big thanks for shipping the hat!!
No problem. If it were left up to Rick Blaine it would take three weeks. Then I'd have to defend his honor and try to convince people that he's not really a creep :mrgreen: . Cheers
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Post by IndianaJames »

LOL! :lol: :lol:
It should be here in the next couple hours! 8)


Heres what Allen from the Alden Shop wrote:
The Alden factory does not dye, but any quality shoe repair shop can
them for you.

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Post by Rundquist »

IndianaJames wrote:LOL! :lol: :lol:
It should be here in the next couple hours! 8)


Heres what Allen from the Alden Shop wrote:
The Alden factory does not dye, but any quality shoe repair shop can
them for you.

If that's the case, it's a newly instated policy. I'm positive that the ones I saw in Fritz's shop were factory dyed. They even had the white stiching. I'd give him a call if you are truely interested. Cheers
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Post by IndianaJames »

Thanks, will do!

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Post by Rixter »

Rundquist wrote:...The Alden 86 is a dress boot. It should be worn as such. They can't take punishment. You have to ask yourself what's important. I hope this helps. Cheers
The black Alden dress boot’s look very nice, but I expect like most high shine black shoes/boots, they are high maintenance like you say. Unfortunately, glossy black shoes and I don’t mix. I usually make it a point of wearing my black shoes whenever I’m on campus near our Union Activities Center building which has a string of old time shoe shine concession. The people there do a great job and it helps them out with needed college funds, and saves me a the job of doing it myself. I also get all the latest gossip, just like in the movies. ;)
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