Seriously...someone put up a swinging video!

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Seriously...someone put up a swinging video!

Post by crazylegsmurphy »

I think it's high time someone actually put some video of whip swinging. I mean do it safely by going to some place that has mats and such, but I think it needs to be shown how many times you could do it, if the steel cores work, how bad it wrecks the whip and so on.

This just seems like something that needs to be done!
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Post by hollywood1340 »

For the majority of us here, it's not something we would ever do, nor condone, fo reasons that are clear, and I don't hink encouraging that type of behavior is a good idea. We already have Indy and Zorro doing it. Let's leave it to them.
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Re: Seriously...someone put up a swinging video!

Post by Strider »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:I think it's high time someone actually put some video of whip swinging. I mean do it safely by going to some place that has mats and such, but I think it needs to be shown how many times you could do it, if the steel cores work, how bad it wrecks the whip and so on.

This just seems like something that needs to be done!
Hey, no problem! Tell you what. You go out and drop a few hundred dollars on a whip, take a video of you wrecking it by swinging on it, and we'll get some popcorn and watch. Sound like a plan?
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

There has to be someone out there with an old whip they could try this safely.

I'm not saying go out in your back yard and try to swing across a 40 foot gorge, I'm saying find a really safe way of doing it. I don't think anyone should use a good whip, but someone must have an old one.
Last edited by crazylegsmurphy on Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Argonaut »

I would definitely like to see more research put into the whip swing. One of the greatest tragedies of my life was learning that it was impossible to swing with a bullwhip like Indy. If there is anyway it is possible, I'd like to know.
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Post by jedidentist »

Only if you're stupid would you get hurt...I mean, swinging around on the ground and it breaks, you'll fall like what...3 feet? Please people let's not all be a bunch of pansies. Now...if you're worried about wrecking a whip...that's a true concern. That being said, I do have an old 10ft. 12 plait whip...but I want to sell it to help fund my Morgan. Now...if got enough funds to support possibly wrecking it :wink: J/K
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Post by Holt »

ok first's NOT recommended swinging a whip and second Indy/ford did not swing himself on a whip but a cable wrapped in leather to make it look like a whip..

but please be carefull if you or anyone else do it :?

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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Yes, you HAVE to take precautions, that goes without saying.

I personally want to know, if you were hiking and you suddenly got chased by a cougar, or a bear, or a rabid Badger, could you actually latch the whip on a tree or something and swing to safety.

This just seems like something that every Indiana Jones fan and whip owner should know I think.

I'm even curious to know if you can make a whip latch onto something with enough grip to keep the whip on. I want to know if you can get it off after you have gotten to the other side.

There are just so many questions that need to be answered I think!

Post by whipwarrior »

Seriously, I can't believe NOBODY is going to take a shot at this golden opportunity?! :D And yes, I know I'm wrong for thinking that way, but it's funny!
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Whipwarrior, I just PMed you the link to MY "swinging" video! rawr!

Post by whipwarrior »

I just had a vision of Austin Powers. :shock:
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Post by WhipDude »

Somebody supply the whip and I'll go out to these local woods that have a small creek and a bunch of tree's and I'll swing on it and catch it on camera. Guaranteed.
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Post by Rabittooth »

Oh man...I did it ALL THE TIME as a kid of 13!
I had one of those swivel handle whips like this:


I used to wet the end of it (this really helped to hold the wrap tightly enough to swing on), wrap it around tree branches, give a strong pull to tighten and swing.
Thought for sure I was invincible and immortal back then. Makes me cringe to think how often I risked life and limb for fun! :shock:
It'll hold ya. I'm sure of it. I'd do it now on a whip like the one pictured above if I had one!
You can even get it to unwrap once you reach the "other side" by repeatedly flipping the handle and moving it back and forth. Not quickly, but it can be done.

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Post by Texas Raider »

I'll do it as well. Someone supply the whip, I'll swing!

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Post by McFly »

Alright guys... I'll do it tomorrow and we'll put this topic to rest. I'm serious. Just wait a little and I'll go for it. I'll even use my own whip!

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Post by Vegeta »

Rabittooth wrote:Oh man...I did it ALL THE TIME as a kid of 13!
I had one of those swivel handle whips like this:


I used to wet the end of it (this really helped to hold the wrap tightly enough to swing on), wrap it around tree branches, give a strong pull to tighten and swing.
Thought for sure I was invincible and immortal back then. Makes me cringe to think how often I risked life and limb for fun! :shock:
It'll hold ya. I'm sure of it. I'd do it now on a whip like the one pictured above if I had one!
You can even get it to unwrap once you reach the "other side" by repeatedly flipping the handle and moving it back and forth. Not quickly, but it can be done.


YES SIR!!! I did the same thing with the same type of whip. I still have it too!! I would whip a tree branch and swing!! I used to climb trees I couldnt reach with it too!!! I miss those days.
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Post by kooniu »

don't wory - whip is strench -one strap of lether need about 20kg for destroyed it. whip have minimum 4 straps (usualy more) +belly and core I weight 80 kg and I don't see problem swing on the whip. You don't belive?

this is 8 plait cow hide bullwhip whith 4 plait belly
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Post by hollywood1340 »

I will admit if there is one thing those WSP Swivel handles are good for it's swinging. Yes, I've done it too. Maybe we need to start a "Cheap Whip Swinging Support Group".
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Post by Earl Weber »

Yeah, I used to swing on the old swivel handled whip too. Of course I probably only weighed 60 lbs at the time. I had a swingset that had a large open space where something else was supposed to go, rope netting I think. It was built of 6x6 timber, so the whip bit in pretty good. You just had to wrap the end around it a few times then 'flip' the rest over top of the wrap to make it hold. It sure was fun back in the day.
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Post by Satipo »

I'm planning on finding the golden idol today ... I'll try this on the way. :wink:
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

McFly wrote:Alright guys... I'll do it tomorrow and we'll put this topic to rest. I'm serious. Just wait a little and I'll go for it. I'll even use my own whip!

Do you realize how much of a hero you'll be if you pull it off, and even if you don't!! I have been on this forum a few years now, and I have to say it's due time there was a video on here that we could all watch and laugh at....seriously, I hope you make it, but if you don't that'll be awesome too! :)
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Post by Satipo »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:seriously, I hope you make it, but if you don't that'll be awesome too! :)
Surely that depends on What Lies Beneath ... Okay, bad joke. :wink:
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Post by McFly »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:Do you realize how much of a hero you'll be if you pull it off, and even if you don't!! I have been on this forum a few years now, and I have to say it's due time there was a video on here that we could all watch and laugh at....seriously, I hope you make it, but if you don't that'll be awesome too! :)
My helper / cameragirl is coming over in a few hours and then I'll make the video real quick. I've got it all planned out and I know exactly what I'm going to do!

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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

I'm sure McFly can do it without breaking the whip - though he's tallish, he still weighs like 60 pounds and won't put that much strain on it. Yeah, I'm jealous!

Looking forward to seeing the video, Shane!
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Post by BendingOak »

kooniu wrote:don't wory - whip is strench -one strap of lether need about 20kg for destroyed it. whip have minimum 4 straps (usualy more) +belly and core I weight 80 kg and I don't see problem swing on the whip. You don't belive?

this is 8 plait cow hide bullwhip whith 4 plait belly

Yes a the whips are strong but that not a whip swing.
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Post by rebelgtp »

kooniu wrote:don't wory - whip is strench -one strap of lether need about 20kg for destroyed it. whip have minimum 4 straps (usualy more) +belly and core I weight 80 kg and I don't see problem swing on the whip. You don't belive?

this is 8 plait cow hide bullwhip whith 4 plait belly
yes but hanging from and climbing a whip are different then actually swinging on a whip. much more force is produced when you swing.

if i was going to swing from a whip i think it would have to be made from paracord and have a steel cable core. if i ever get off my tucus and finish my whip maybe i'll try it, but then that is only an 8 footer and i would rather use a 10 footer.
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Post by Chewie Louie »

So looking forward to seeing this. By the way, it doesn't count unless you are in full Indy attire.
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Post by Spatterdash »

I can personally attest to a whip being under more strain from swinging vs. climbing.

I too swung out over a small creek bed with a cheap, swivel-handle bullwhip. The leather gripped the branch of a pecan tree just fine. I swung out (and let me tell ya, the Raiders March ROARS through your teenage mind when your feet leave the ground and trust to the leather of a whip!) and I swung back...

and spent the next hour trying to unwrap the thing.

That worked only once for me.
Normally what happened was, the whip would hold about halfway, and then it would let go, as the direction of the pull changed.
I've had far better luck lashing something above me and climbing to it, like on a steep hillside. That way the direction of pull stays constant on the wrapped end.
It's also easier to retrieve said whip that way.
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Post by martybrandt »

I just bought a whip on ebay for my thrown together costume.

It was cheap and the guy selling it has a pic of him somewhat swinging from a tree with it. Granted its tied around his foot but its definately got the strength. When I get it in Ill get it a try.

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Post by mooniteman »

ooh - stop being so worrisome all of you! I used to do it constantly as a kid! Just find a tree branch and go !
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Post by rebelgtp »

mooniteman wrote:ooh - stop being so worrisome all of you! I used to do it constantly as a kid! Just find a tree branch and go !
right I did it all the time as a kid myself, however i've gotten a bit bigger since then and know a thing or two about physics. if you are so eager to have someone go out and swing from a whip now go ahead and you do it yourself.

also there are people on this board that have some VERY expensive whips that doing something like this could trash in a second.

if I make a nylon whip like I described above I'll more than likely give it a shot just because. will I encourage anyone else to do it or make a similar whip for them to do it? nope I sure won't. I don't want to be responsible for someone else getting hurt, if I get hurt no big deal its my own stupid fault.
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Post by McFly »

Uploading the video now!

I hope you guys enjoy it - the whip I'm using is my standard 8' Stenhouse in whiskey roohide.

I think it'll show up here after it's done uploading - it's called "Whipswing Demo"

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Post by wannabe »

Shane its not showing up...
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Post by rebelgtp »

wannabe wrote:Shane its not showing up...
Its showing up now just watched it :lol:

Good video Shane, it sure didn't want to come down did it? :lol:
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

YES!!!!!!!! :o :o :D

That made me giggle like a 11 year old girl at a Neil Diamond concert!!

I love how it totally works, yet is totally impractical! Seriously do you realize you're like the ONLY and FIRST person that I could find to have a swinging video on the Internets?

From this point on, you will officially be known as the first person brave and awesome enough to attempt such a thing on video. Everyone here better give you the "mad props" you deserve!

Spot on on!

Was there any damage to the whip at all? How many times did it actually take you to wrap it?

Love it!
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Post by wannabe »

lmao "the kind you would order with fries!"

love it thanks for posting it


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Post by Mola Ram »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:YES!!!!!!!! :o :o :D

That made me giggle like a 11 year old girl at a Neil Diamond concert!!

I love how it totally works, yet is totally impractical! Seriously do you realize you're like the ONLY and FIRST person that I could find to have a swinging video on the Internets?

From this point on, you will officially be known as the first person brave and awesome enough to attempt such a thing on video. Everyone here better give you the "mad props" you deserve!

Spot on on!

Was there any damage to the whip at all? How many times did it actually take you to wrap it?

Love it!
I'm Curious as well! :wink:
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Well done, Shane - but next time tuck yer shirt in! ;)
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Post by Shtick »

Crack Wrap & Swing!

(No credit given to Shane)

Post by whipwarrior »

It would be great to get a whip swing off of a hill. When I used to live in Louisiana back in the early 90's we had about six acres of land in the country, with a great downhill stretch leading into the woods. There were these really thick green vines that grew out of the ground, and up into the treetops, 20 to 30 feet overhead. If you cut them at the ground, you had about 1-2 months worth of time before they deteriorated to the point of being unsafe to swing on. It was great fun to take the radio out to the woods with my Raiders soundtrack, synched up to the jungle escape song, and run down the hill, leap for a vine, and swing out fifteen feet into the air and let go of the vine, perfectly in time with the music. I'd film that in a heartbeat today, if I had access to a forest with climbing vines. :D
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Post by McFly »

:D Glad you guys like the video!

Murphy - it actually only took me 3 times to wrap it, but man... after that last one, I had a HARD time getting it off! :lol:

Hardly any damage to the whip at all - just a couple scratches on the end of the thong from rubbing against the bark on the tree as I tried to take it off. Probably nothing some TLC and Pecards won't fix.

Although - if you swing on your own whip, I am *not* responsible for any damage! :shock:

Sable - If I had a belt on, I totally would have!

Shtick - :o Now you've done it! Watch out for you-know-who!

Last edited by McFly on Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Venkman »

as a new member, but lurking for a few weeks while I was getting my proverbial feet wet, this thread and the ensuing video brought quite the smile. Excellent work!

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Post by Satipo »

Why did you cut to black and white, and a different angle? For art's sake? :)
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Post by McFly »

Hey Satipo!

Actually, I'm not sure why it looks black and white... I think because the camera is pointed at the sky, the sort of backlighting effect just makes it more difficult to see all the colors and things. It was pretty cloudy out there.

With regards to the angle, I was hoping when I swung back I might go over the camera a little and it would look really cool, but it was difficult to hang on - which is why I stopped after swinging forward, and had to swing again to come back towards the camera. :?

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Post by Satipo »

Well, it's a nice touch. Very well done, sir! :wink:
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