
Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Hey Everyone,

I'm sorry if this is somewhere already, but I'm trying to track down Vendors for shirts, pants, etc, but I can't seem to find a list where I can quickly see what they're offering, and how SA each one is.

I'm finding it's taking me really long to search for each vendor and find out if they have a website, then cross reference what they offer with what you guys think.

Is there anywhere this can be found?


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Chewbacca Jones
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Oddly enough, I'm not sure there is such a list on COW. However, check out the Indy Lounge. I know for sure that they have a "Where to Buy" section with at least the most popular offerings, possibly more.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Thanks Chewie!

Strange that no one has made one....I wonder, would anyone be opposed if I started one?

I have a few ideas how to make it cool, if anyone thinks it's a good idea let me know (owners of COW, please chime in, I don't want to step on any toes).
indiana smith
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Post by indiana smith »

There's a link on the homepage that has a list of all sorts of different sights
and what they sell.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »


Ya, I was nosing around on the main page a while ago, but the information seems a bit sporadic and a tad out dated.

What I think would be cool is...have you ever shopped for a camera, or something like that. You can go to a site and click a few from a list in a certain category and compare them side by side.

What I would like to see is the following. Let's take the shirt for example.

When you go to the section shirts, it would be broken down by two categories:

SA / Close Enough

- Raiders / TOD / LC

From there, you would have a list of each vendor which you could see an image and basic information.

If you clicked on the info, you would get the details like material, color, price, link to site, etc.

It would also have a SA voting system, Quality vote, and Value vote perhaps.

This would allow users to compare them side by side, as well as organize the results by criteria. There could be user comments and such just like any other site like that.

This way, when Vendors are selling something the gearhead could quickly and effectively find all the information they needed on the subject, be able to compare them, and then find their way to the website or contact info they need.

It would probably cut down a lot of the repeated posts on here, plus Vendors would have a place to showcase their wares that don't get lost in page 34 of a thread.

Ideally, there would be links to COW threads that cover a more in depth conversation on the gear of choice, so it could be discussed.

I dunno, just my idea.
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