Is Pecard's Only Available Online?

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Is Pecard's Only Available Online?

Post by IndyWannaBee »

I would like to get some of this stuff but noitced that many of the resellers or directs charge alot for shipping.

Does anyone know if a retail store carries them?
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Post by IndianaChris711 »

Well I am not sure who would carry them in your area. Pecards is up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. So I ordered mine online since it was not going to take too long to get to my house. I first went to a local boot place in town and asked if he even had Pecards and he never heard of the stuff. He didn't even have a shoe brush. :shock: I would order it online, I bought a pound of the stuff. I don't know why I did that, it will probably be sitting there 10 years from now and I still probably won't have used the whole container. I got the classic leather dressing. What are you needing the Pecards for IndyWannaBee shoes/whip/just general use?? Its great stuff, I love it, really can soften the leather up nicely. I would purchase it online cause most places around here where I live have never even heard of it. It might be different in your neck of the woods, but online is easy and resolves the mess of calling 5-6 different places to see if they have it and then getting a reply more like, :-s What is that??? Pecards will really help you with your Indy gear items, I think I put it on every leather item I have except my whip at the moment, I need to do that sometime though. Great stuff highly recommend Pecards.

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Post by schmidty612 »


I am actually going to start stocking Pecards paste leather dressing. I think I have it coming in today actually. We are charging $8 for a 6oz. tub. Shipping should be relatively inexpensive (1-2 dollars) let me know if you are interested.

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Post by Mulceber »

Schmidty - have you considered stocking G&B jackets, repro gas mask bags and akubras too? You could be an all-around Indy supplier if you wanted to. :junior: -M
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Post by Hunter Jones »

I'm going to have to call them. I tried to use the online form, but something goes awry when I try to get the shipping method.
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Post by schmidty612 »

Mulceber wrote:Schmidty - have you considered stocking G&B jackets, repro gas mask bags and akubras too? You could be an all-around Indy supplier if you wanted to. :junior: -M
HaHa! You know Mulceber, That would be be fun. But I'm just a guy who works at a shoe store who happens to love Indiana Jones. I would've never given Indy's Gear a thought if it hadn't been for a guy who came in looking for Alden's "Indy Boot".



BTW, I did get my Pecards in if anyone is interested.
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Post by Harrison_Davies »

I've just ordered 4 x 4oz Brown Pecard Leather Dressing direct from Eric at Pecard. With shipping to the UK = $44.00. 2lb parcel that's not bad.

It may be a better solution for you rather than a reseller.

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Post by Michaelson »

Cool thing in dealing with Eric is, he's one of us. :D

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Ken-Obi Wanabi »

PM sent - I need a tub of the stuff!
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Post by IndyWannaBee »

schmidty612 wrote:IndyWannaBee,

I am actually going to start stocking Pecards paste leather dressing. I think I have it coming in today actually. We are charging $8 for a 6oz. tub. Shipping should be relatively inexpensive (1-2 dollars) let me know if you are interested.

Oooo! Excellent! I am looking for the clear Pecards for my whip and brown tinted for my boots and jacket. Let me know if you have that, please PM me for costs, and I will PayPal you if you take that form of payment!

Thanks!! Happy Happy Joy Joy :D
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Post by Harry Jones »

You can likely get the basic Pecards leather dressing at Red Wing shoe/boot stores. It's labeled Red Wing, but it's the same stuff. Looks like a tub of petrolium jelly. I've seen on other threads that it is made for Red Wing by Pecards. I've used both and they sure seem exactly the same.
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