Here's a video I found online which features our favorite shoe company. Good to know the President of Alden knows about the 405 and it's association with the famous fedora-wearing archeologist. Now Mr. President, about the color...
Actually, isn't the boot that he shows in the video a more authentic Indy boot than what is available from Alden today? It doesn't have that light color at the stitching between the upper and the sole.
Hey does anyone know where it is (address), cause I'm heading to Boston for the May 24 weekend (16-19 or May) and I would love to swing by there and get a pair of Aldens. Any help would be greatly appreciated
The narrator, Emily Sweeney, is a 32-year-old journalist for the Boston Globe. She's into the punk/New Age lifestyle, and seems very cool. I left a comment on her MySpace page on the blog about the Alden video, which she approved and posted today.
indiana lurch, the factory address is 1 Taunton St. Lakeville, MA (just west of I-495). I don't know if you can actually go inside to buy shoes, but that is where they are manufactured.
Thanks you know if there is a way to contact them. I'm hoping that like all factories (well most) that they have a store attached. But I don't know how to contact them.
The cool thing is as a teacher our benefits package includes orthotics (can't spell) so all I need to do is get my doctor to write me a note saying I need them and hopefully I will be able to get a pair of Aldens which I then can use for work as well as for my costume
The phone number is (508) 947-3926. Give them a call and ask if it's possible to visit the factory to pick up a pair of shoes. More than likely, you'll have to get them at a men's dress shop in downtown Boston. I found this bit of info on a message board:
BB on Newbury and the Tannery on Boylston St. are both decent sized Alden retailers in Boston.
A check of the Tannery's website turned up nothing on Alden shoes, in spite of what the guy on the message board said. Furthermore, the store rated some very negative reviews on See for yourself: