Hat Jacks... Recommended to Leave Them In?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Hat Jacks

Leave it in when not in use
Use it only to stretch a hat
Don't use it at all
Total votes: 14

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Castor Dioscuri
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Hat Jacks... Recommended to Leave Them In?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I know the topic of stretching a hat has been brought about a million times, but I'd like to know what your opinion is on using a hat jack? I've read some threads where folks suggest leaving it in permenantly, and others say that leaving it in is bad for the fedora, while some even argue that using it at all is a bad thing, etc...

As I intend on prolonging the life of my fedora for as long as possible, what does everyone think should be the right thing to do? The last thing I want is to pull the hat off the rack (figuratively speaking) one day and find it's too small!

On a side note, I once read one of CoW's more illustrious members recommending that the hat just need a few tugs here and there beforehand to get it to fit, but I'd be much too afraid of my fedora giving out on me, and could never forgive myself if it did... And yes, I'm well aware that fedoras brand new are hardy, but I'm looking years, if not decades down the road as well! ;)

So, what do you suggest? Should I just go ahead and invest in a plastic hat jack to nest in my hat when its off my head? Or should I get a cedar hat jack to use as a crank only when needed? Or anyone have any other suggestions? I'm all ears! :)
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Post by Michaelson »

Hat makers such as Peters Brothers recommend leaving them in when the hat is in storage to stop the hat sweatband from shrinking, as well as help maintain a shape such as needed by those of us with long oval shaped heads. Hats try to return to their original cone shape when not in use. :wink:

That's what I do.

Regards! Michaelson
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I suppose it depends...

Post by rcinlv »

Some hats I leave the Hat Jack in when I'm not wearing them. Others, well- not. It depends on how much stretch is required. I have an AB in black (look to the left!) that was just slightly too small. I wear it often enough that I don't find it necessary to leave the stretcher in place. Other hats, those vintage beauties that I acquired a size small, do require constant Hat Jack attention...


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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Thanks for the advice, I'll certainly have to go the hat jack route after all, especially for those long days in storage!

On a related note, do hat jacks affect the original block shape of a fedora? Since I'm guessing that the sweatband would eventually conform to the shape of the hat jack, would that ruin the look of a fedora in the long run? Since some folks here have a fedora built upon a Raiders' block, would storing a fedora on a hatjack ruin that shape?
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Post by Michaelson »

If you crank it out to snugly, yes, it can and will affect the shape. If you just snung it up to hold the size when stored in it's hat box, then no, it will not. At least none of mine have ever been affected.

Regards! Michaelson
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Castor Dioscuri
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Michaelson wrote:If you crank it out to snugly, yes, it can and will affect the shape. If you just snung it up to hold the size when stored in it's hat box, then no, it will not. At least none of mine have ever been affected.

Regards! Michaelson
Thanks Michaelson, I had a feeling you'd be the one with the knowledge. ;)

Speaking of snug enough to hold the size, I suppose I should crank it out just enough so that it can support its own weight when the hat is in the box? And I suppose that a wooden hat-jack would be out of the equation in this case?

Also, totally unrelated, but do you suppose a fedora with a hat-jack inside could be hung sideways (using a hook latched onto the middle of the hat-jack), or would the pressure deform the fedora?

I know most of what I'm asking seems obvious, but still... ;)
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