Until a few days ago, that is: The other day I decided to try a mild kind of distressing, and soaked it in a tub full of cold water. (Note: The jacket had quite a lot of excess dye in it, and I changed the water five or six times - every time it ended up as brown as the time before, so in the end I gave up on getting all the excess dye out...)
That's not the problem, though, and neither is the fact that a soaked-through goat jacket takes forever to dry - in my case it took almost three days.

However, soaking it and leaving it out to dry has shrunk the jacket. When first putting it on after it had dried, I'd say the sleeves had lost between ½ and 1 inch in length. The body was also both slightly shorter and felt noticably tighter. Wearing it for a couple of hours today has helped a bit, but it is still not the same size as before.
So, what to do? Have I irreversably shrunk my jacket, or will it stretch back to its original size given enough time? I'd hate to think that I have ruined it, especially since I thought cold water was a relatively "safe" treatment.
Any advice will be much appreciated...