D-rings vs. Rectangular Slider / U.S. Wings question

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D-rings vs. Rectangular Slider / U.S. Wings question

Post by JockThePilot »

Good evening gentlemen,
I know i keep asking questions that may seem obvious, however, i'm going crazy over here trying to pick a jacket! (durability, accuracy, style, what is most important? i don't know! ahhh!)
Anyways, I have two more questions to add to the roster..
Does "the" jacket have d-rings, or sliders? I've watched Raiders and Crusade numerous times but i can't see that much detail.
Also, does U.S. wings have a store anywhere? or are they a mail/internet order only company?

kind thanks and regards,
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Post by Indydawg »

Raiders jacket seems to be the only one that had rectangluar slides. The LC jacket had D rings. Either one, I personally think, is fine....but that's just me.

US Wings does have a store front and show room....in Kent, Ohio. Check their website and look around....www.uswings.com

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Post by JockThePilot »

Kent, Ohio huh? i guess i'll have to look harder at their website for some more info.
thanks for the info, both for d-rings and us wings location.

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Post by Mike »

Some people have had problems with D rings on certain types of leathers. I know for one of my old jackets... unfortunately, I don't remember which leather, but I think it was lamb... would slide a bit in the D rings until the leather got used to the "fold" caused by running it through the rings.

I think the D ring tend to work better on the thicker leathers.

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Or how about buckles?

Post by Plynck »

For that matter, has anyone ordered the jacket with buckles instead of D-rings or sliders?

I posted this question once before, but no takers. Any one this time? :)

I notice that the Main Gear section makes reference to this:


"Side strap buckles Pronged buckles in antique brass. For added screen accuracy, do not get eyelets placed in strap, as the film jacket only had holes in the leather for the buckle prongs "

This seems to be contrary to what everyone is ordering these days.

Best to all,

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Re: Or how about buckles?

Post by Rundquist »

Plynck wrote:For that matter, has anyone ordered the jacket with buckles instead of D-rings or sliders?

I posted this question once before, but no takers. Any one this time? :)

I notice that the Main Gear section makes reference to this:


"Side strap buckles Pronged buckles in antique brass. For added screen accuracy, do not get eyelets placed in strap, as the film jacket only had holes in the leather for the buckle prongs "

This seems to be contrary to what everyone is ordering these days.

Best to all,


You are referring to the Temple of Doom Buckles. They were pronged buckles that just stuck into the leather. In LC, Peter used D-rings. In Raiders Peter used two rectangular buckles that worked on the same principle as D-rings (just a different shape). Flight Suits offers rectangular buckles on theirs (just like in Raiders). Peter offers a rectangular "slider" today. It has a crossbar down the middle with a little slide attached between it (crossbar) and one of the outer edges of the buckle. It's a close second to the rectangular buckles in my opinion. They look better than the D-rings in my opinion. If you want it spot on (for Raiders) though, you have to go to Flight Suits. Cheers
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Post by JockThePilot »

Flightsuits seem more and more apealing, the more i read. does anybody know if they are very durable? where would they be placed in terms of durability next to wested, and US wings?

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Post by zohar »

Just about everything I've read on them says they're pretty much indestructible. I have an Expo in dark brown goat, and the thing seems like it's built like a tank! The leather is not too thick, very soft, yet seems extremely strong. I'be been purposely trying to get some scratches and other semi-natural distressing on it, and it appears to be next to impossible to do. I am supremely impressed with it.

Lee Keppler has one in seal brown goat, and it took him about a year of constant wear to get any naturally distressed highlights. Try doing a search for lee keppler's seal brown expo, and you'll find a large post on it.
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