Got my new Aldens today. Here are some pics I took before any distressing. The outside shot has no flash. The middle photo is without a flash and the bottom photo is with flash.
I'm going out of town tomorrow for two weeks so I'll add some brown polish tonight and then "naturally distress" while wearing them on the trip. When I get back I'll see what kind of shape they're in and see if I want to do anything else to them.
Still, I find that I'm a little nervous about doing anything with them. I'm hanging out in the distressing section and I realize that whatever I do is somewhat irreversible. So, I'm wondering whether to do anything at all. LOL
Do nothing - wear them and enjoy them.
I have a 12 eee foot and they are the most comfortable shoes that I own. I own three pairs.
They are what I wear on many mile long hikes and also on daily errands.
I suggest Meltonian neutral cream polish on a regular basis and saddle soap when they get particularly dirty. Depending upon climate, mink oil is great for waterproofing. I don't see the need for Pecards.
I agree with those guys, let life distress them. I used to work outside all the time crawling in dirt, climbing phone poles, digging ditches....I wore my Alden's through all that, in all kinds of weather. They can take a beating, I've had them for 6 years or so and they look better now than they ever have.
I agree with the others. Don't do anything. Let them age on there own. Unless you have money to burn, purposefully distressing a $300 pair of boots to make it look somewhat SA is ridiculous.