From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I have a variety of places depending on my order on how fast I need them. Currently I get my Naturals from Morgan because it's a good excuse to visit him. Most of the other colors come out of Australia.
Very nicely Done Louie, Your work has really come along way.
That’s a sharp looking whip. My only critique is I think the turks head knot is a just bit too square compared to the originals, if you where going for and exact match. Great work though, I like this one a lot.
By the way, would I be correct in saying that Packer Leather is the source for Mr Morgan's roohides? I ask out of curiosity as I'm interested in finding out who in Australia is good for supplying the biggest, thickest hides.
I was going for the general look, not a perfect match. It was a fun project to do. this whip has a heavily bound transition, my next project is going to be the same with but without the bound tranny, so more like a bullwhip I would normally make, but with this look.
I was looking at the shapes of the butt in pictures of other people's Indy KotCS whips and some of the movie pictures and I think the butt shape on mine is more "can" shaped instead of a slightly "diamond shaped can" shape.
Also I'm amazed that I managed to basically use the word "Shape" five times in the above run on sentence.
the whip cracks like a champ! due to the weather and my performing schedule I didn't get a lot of time to test crack it, but the few I did on my deck were great. The thing practically cracked itself.
I just picked up a heavy natural hide from morgan's shop (I missed him by about 5 mins, so I didn't get to chat with him) but I've not an 8 foot indy style in my que, and I hope it looks as good as you last ones.