clothing for everyday fedora wear?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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clothing for everyday fedora wear?

Post by UFO »

im going to be getting a fedora finally, and id like to be one of the "everyday wear" guys.
my question is this:
how do you dress in order for the brown fedora to look right with your everyday clothes?
im going to eventually get a black one and a grey one too, so the same question goes for those two colors as well.
i dont want to walk out of the house looking like an idiot.
thanks for the help fellas.
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Post by BendingOak »

I would go with button down shirt and any pants. match the belt and shoes and you can't go wrong.
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Post by Mulceber »

Believe it or not, I've found there's only two things that really don't go with a fedora - shorts and jeans. If you have a pair of khaki's or cargo pants they go well. And pretty much any type of shirt will do - t-shirt, polo, button down. Any. At least that's the way I find I look in them. :junior: -M
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

A fedora goes with jeans.
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:A fedora goes with jeans.
in deed it does.
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Post by Mulceber »

Not in my experience, but to each his own. :junior: -M
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Post by Spatterdash »


No disrespect to this forum (ever!) but you might find some inspirational information over at

Just skim through the Hats, Outerwear and the General Attire areas. Or, once you sign up as a member of that forum, use the Search feature and type in stuff like-

Casual wear

whatever comes to mind.

A lot of Indygear folk are also Members of the Lounge, so it's not like you won't see familiar faces over there.
Consider this an invitation, one inspired by a completely understandable question that has thousands of answers.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Have you been wearing your jeans on your head? That could be a problem. #-o
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Post by Mulceber »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well put, Buff. :junior: -M
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Thanks, you know I'm one of the class clowns around here.
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Post by Marcus Brody »

I wear a fedora with jeans all the time. I dunno about shorts though. Something would just seem unbalanced about such a look.

Brown goes good with a lot of colors. Personally, green is one of my favorite colors, and I wear a lot of it. Brown definitely goes good with green.
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

me in prague with my fedora and jeans:


i dont see any problem with it but thats just my opinion

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Post by Weston »

Pants, definitely wear pants.

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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Weston wrote:Pants, definitely wear pants.


thank YOU for that :x


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Post by indy89 »

I usually wear a collared shirt and jeans with my fedora. Sometimes I'll wear khakis, but its rare that I do.
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Post by Mulceber »

Chiliana Jones wrote:me in prague with my fedora and jeans:


i dont see any problem with it but thats just my opinion

Now see, to me, that hat and those pants don't go together. But like I said, to each his own. :junior: -M
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Post by Marcus Brody »

I try not to think of the fedora as just a dressy sort of thing in the first place. In the past it was an everyday thing, no reason it shouldn't be today. Besides, the more you wear khakis and button up shirts, the more likely people are gonna think you're just an Indy clone.
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Mulceber wrote:
Chiliana Jones wrote:me in prague with my fedora and jeans:


i dont see any problem with it but thats just my opinion

Now see, to me, that hat and those pants don't go together. But like I said, to each his own. :junior: -M
every to its opinion!! :notworthy:
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

i only wear khakis when its really hot.
Do i have to wear khakis because Indy does it? :P
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Post by Weston »

I think jeans are fine with a fedora. This pic wasn't meant to be a fashion shot, but I like jeans with my fedora, henley shirts, and button down shirts. Carhart's look pretty good with a fedora too.

By weston77, shot with KODAK Z740 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2008-03-14

It seems like most of my pictures show me packing a kid around (see avatar).

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Post by Mulceber »

Do i have to wear khakis because Indy does it?
Who are you asking? I'm a proponent of mix of khaki's, cargo pants and t-shirts, not just khaki's and button-down shirts. :junior: -M
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Weston wrote:I think jeans are fine with a fedora. This pic wasn't meant to be a fashion shot, but I like jeans with my fedora, henley shirts, and button down shirts. Carhart's look pretty good with a fedora too.

By weston77, shot with KODAK Z740 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2008-03-14

It seems like most of my pictures show me packing a kid around (see avatar).


hey, we almost dress the same :) :


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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Mulceber wrote:
Do i have to wear khakis because Indy does it?
Who are you asking? I'm a proponent of mix of khaki's, cargo pants and t-shirts, not just khaki's and button-down shirts. :junior: -M

just a small inocent joke for every COW member ;) ( i sure hope everyone gets it! 8-[ )
Last edited by Chiliana Jones on Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Marcus Brody »

Do i have to wear khakis because Indy does it?
No, but that's what people tend to think.
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Marcus Brody wrote:
Do i have to wear khakis because Indy does it?
No, but that's what people tend to think.
my man! :D :tup:
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Post by Weston »

Hey Chilliana, your right! If I ever come to Norway, I'll give you a heads up on what I'm wearing so one of us can change. :lol:

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Post by Holt »

hey Ronny sorry I just have to say it.

when I look at you I only see will turner from Pirates...

you must be getting that all the time?...

when I am in Oslo we must take a coffe or something:D

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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Weston wrote:Hey Chilliana, your right! If I ever come to Norway, I'll give you a heads up on what I'm wearing so one of us can change. :lol:

and that would be you 8)
and i'll change the day i return to the states :lol:

high regards

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Post by Risu »

I have trouble dressing appropriately for a fedora because practically everything I own is jeans and t-shirts. I don't have a problem mixing jeans and fedoras, but my opinion is that you need a collar to pull off the hat. At the very least, long sleeves. A t-shirt just seems way too casual for such a nice hat.
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Post by Neolithic »

Yep, I think you just need a collared shirt...

I wear jeans with a fedora all the time, much the same look with Converse All-Stars as Chiliana.
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Indiana Holt wrote:hey Ronny sorry I just have to say it.

when I look at you I only see will turner from Pirates...

you must be getting that all the time?...

when I am in Oslo we must take a coffe or something:D

believe me, i've heard that ALOT.

even when i was in hollywood, there was a guy( a paparazzi i think) who took pictures of me. he ran off when i spotted him. i guess it was for that reason. boy did he make a boo-boo.

but yeah. im up for coffe:)
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Post by Holt »

be carefull though....look alot behind back...someday there might be some crazy pirat running after you trying to cut your hart out :lol:

ok I'll let you know when I am in oslo..I am there about once a month

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Post by jkdbuck76 »

Weston wrote:I think jeans are fine with a fedora. This pic wasn't meant to be a fashion shot, but I like jeans with my fedora, henley shirts, and button down shirts. Carhart's look pretty good with a fedora too.

By weston77, shot with KODAK Z740 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2008-03-14

It seems like most of my pictures show me packing a kid around (see avatar).

What brand of lid are you wearing in that pic? That's a nice one.
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Post by PyramidBlaster »

Back in the 'Last Crusade' era, fresh out of High school, I had a friend who INSISTED on wearing an Indy-style fedora with SHORTS and a POLO SHIRT---all the time. 'Boy just didn't get it. We all tried to tell him, to no avail. Oh, well.

I actually think you COULD pull off the shorts in very special circumstances---but you'd probably have to be wearing something like Belloq's Jungle outfit......

Oh, and Chiliana, you DO look a lot like Orlando Bloom.....May want to start carrying the whip as well, to fend off the paparazzi...
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Post by Magnum Jones »

I wear my fedora with jeans too.

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Post by theinterchange »

I think fedoras can go with anything. Except shorts, windpants/workout type apparel, and maybe a kilt?haha But seriously. I like the jeans and fedora look, just not with a t shirt alone, I can see a blazer and tshirt working with the fedora though.
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Post by Kokopelli »

Weston- what hat is that?

oh- already asked....sorry.
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Post by Russ »

Don't forget jeans also come in other colors. I often wear a fedora with jeans (when I'm not in a suit) but I rarely go out of the house in blue jeans anymore, I prefer black, brown or gray jeans.
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Post by Kokopelli »

Magnum Jones wrote:I wear my fedora with jeans too.

Magnum- what hat is that? Looks good.
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Post by Picker »

I would hate to be the one to tell all those hard working, Southern farmers and mill workers from the 40's and 50's that they shouldn't wear their fedoras with their denim overalls. Here in Georgia I can remember when the poorer of generations older than I even kept a newer pair of overalls for church on Sunday and topped them off with a clean white shirt, tie, and fedora. They looked good because it was an honest look, not cluttered with overly large, garish logos.

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Post by Weston »

Jkdbuck76, citron, my fedora is from an old Beaverbrand cowboyhat that I changed to look like this. It's about 35 years old. The faint spots on it are campfire ash that I hadn't brushed out yet.


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Post by rebelgtp »

Weston wrote:Pants, definitely wear pants.

yeah please try and avoid wearing your fedora with speedos :shock:


anyway as for me i'll wear them with blue jeans, cargos, carhartts, bdus. as for shirts i'll wear safari shirts, colored ripstop shirts, denim shirts, henleys, heck i've even worn it with hoodie sweat shirts really the only thing that i don't wear with my fed is shorts and a t-shirt.

As others have said don't treat it like a "dress" hat its a piece of casual wear, its a functional piece, its not just to pretty you up. Thats why you see so many beat up fedoras around here.

oh and Weston that is a darn good looking lid you have there.
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Post by Swamp »

I wear my fedora with jeans and a button down shirt. I recently ordered a grey AB so that I could wear it with my suits. I just cant wear a brown fedora with my black ostrich boots and a grey or blue suit. To many colors going on there, but I did see the picture of the brown fedora with black chucks. That was a good look.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

UFO wrote:im going to be getting a fedora finally, and id like to be one of the "everyday wear" guys.
my question is this:
how do you dress in order for the brown fedora to look right with your everyday clothes?
im going to eventually get a black one and a grey one too, so the same question goes for those two colors as well.
i dont want to walk out of the house looking like an idiot.
thanks for the help fellas.
I have here sitting on my desk a hand written article dated 2004 that was discovered when my wife and I tore my office a part looking for a movie we borrowed. [It was actually behind a stereo speaker] I think it's very serendipitous that I find this paper the night before I find this thread...

I'm typing it up and formating it for Fedora Chronicles Vintage Threads at the same time as posting this... I'll give you the short version that echos what some have already said: Earthtones.

Wearing a brown fedora with any clothing that shares the same colors that occur in nature is fine. It's a cool look, too.

Even some shades of blue work, too - like slate and indigo are fine.
theinterchange wrote:I think fedoras can go with anything. Except shorts, windpants/workout type apparel, and maybe a kilt?haha But seriously. I like the jeans and fedora look, just not with a t shirt alone, I can see a blazer and tshirt working with the fedora though.
Nope... I have a pair of khaki shorts from L.L. Beans that I wear with an old pair of vintage-style sneakers and I look awesome.

Or, at least that's what I heard.

Were you go grab hold of a Bean's catalog and money was no object - you could buy one of everything and it would all go with your fedora. Not so much with Land's End.

Over the past year or so I've been on a kick wearing clothes that are on the Green end of the Spectrum - Evergreen, Sage, Olive... and with a brown fedora. I think it's a killer look for myself.

Some might ask, though... how do I get a brown fedora to go with a blue suit? [Really, that's a question I had to answer myself a short while back.] The answer is pretty easy... it's time to go shopping and take your wife or girlfriend with you... trust me: women love to shop and they'll think it's adorable that you want to do this with them.

Simply buy a few ties that have the colors of both the suit and the fedora in it. Close enough will do. You might also want to buy shirts in different shades of brown - from tan to chocolate.

Fact is, it's your attitude that makes all the difference! If you carry yourself as if you're wearing what you're supposed to be wearing then you'll do fine. If you're subconscience about what you have on then you're going to call negitive attention to yourself which is never good.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

Weston and Chiliana, both you guys sport the fedora well!

I sport my AB with jeans and a button down shirt. Now that its getting warmer I'll start wearing a solid color t-shirt with it, but I wont wear the AB with shorts in everyday life, but could see the possiblity of me sporting shorts and my AB when I go on my Alaska vacation.

I have to wear a suit to work everyday and don't wear my AB unless I have a brown suit on. I don't think brown goes with any suit color except brown. I am of the firm belief that navy and brown do not mix in the suit department. Sometime soon I'll put the order in for the seaplane grey AB and then I'll have one to wear with all of my suits.

But the most important thing is do YOU think it looks good? If so you'll feel good with it on and thats all that matters.
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Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Any suggestions about casual clothes with a carbon-gray fedora? I'm finding that a lot of my casual clothes will probably go better with my brown AB when it arrives than my current gray Federation, such as my jeans and khakis. Thoughts?
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

gray hat and jeans works fine by me
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Post by Piker »

I wear mine too work, but not at work, it is inside after all.

Since the hat is part of my work attire, typically I wear a shirt, tie (often a bow) and dress pants (high waisted). On Fridays we have casual dress, so khakis and a buttondown. My tan Fedora works very well on casual days as it goes with my buck Oxfords.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

Nebraska Schulte wrote:Any suggestions about casual clothes with a carbon-gray fedora? I'm finding that a lot of my casual clothes will probably go better with my brown AB when it arrives than my current gray Federation, such as my jeans and khakis. Thoughts?
Jeans, navy/black colored pants will work great with your grey fed.
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Post by dr. tyree »

Chiliana, you are stylin' in your Prague ensemble, IMHO.
Especially with the classic Chuck Taylor Converse, as was previously noted. A fedora totally works with jeans, provided the jeans are dark enough, b/c jeans go with anything and everything. (Or, at least, they do in my world.)
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