Learn "The Cairo Flash" by James Maxwell
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- hollywood1340
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Learn "The Cairo Flash" by James Maxwell
You asked for it, you got it. Hope this helps! If you like it, rate me accordingly, but more importantly post your own videos of you performing this flash!
Also here I am in freesyle!
Also here I am in freesyle!
- hollywood1340
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The problem I see with a lot of these “Cairo Flash” (I really hate that term) techniques is that Indy does not just continue throwing the whip while spinning it over his head. Watch what really happens which is far more difficult in execution. After that initial throw, which is basically a cattleman’s crack, Indy brings the whip over his head and resets his throw with his arm and whip all the way behind him. (He does not keep his arm up over his head with the whip in motion.) His arm and the whip actually become relaxed for a split second before he fires the whip forward like he is throwing a baseball. It’s really quite amazing how fast and hard he is throwing that whip. It’s a heavy handed throw that the DM whip is perfectly suited for.
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Yes, good job breaking it down step by step.
- hollywood1340
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Exellent breakdown! Unfortunanly not all of us have, or enjoy, thowing a DM. So for those, I offer my services. I would like to see another post a video with a DM to show the difference. But since being exactly SA is not my cup of tea anyway, it stands as is.The_Edge wrote:The problem I see with a lot of these “Cairo Flash” (I really hate that term) techniques is that Indy does not just continue throwing the whip while spinning it over his head. Watch what really happens which is far more difficult in execution. After that initial throw, which is basically a cattleman’s crack, Indy brings the whip over his head and resets his throw with his arm and whip all the way behind him. (He does not keep his arm up over his head with the whip in motion.) His arm and the whip actually become relaxed for a split second before he fires the whip forward like he is throwing a baseball. It’s really quite amazing how fast and hard he is throwing that whip. It’s a heavy handed throw that the DM whip is perfectly suited for.
- hollywood1340
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- IndyFrench
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Again, SA is fine for those of you who wish it, but I honestly don't care. I'd rather be out cracking my whip then doing a frame by frame comarison to 'get it right'. But that's another ball of wax.
What I do think we as a community need to do is start catalouging this stuff. I think I can do the "recover" on this with my IOAB and could post that. As well as basic cracks and the like. Because we all have something to learn. I have to go teach whip class here in a bit and I'll put what was said about The Cairo Flash to practice and we'll see what comes out of it. And I'll edit my description of my current flash to explain it's for general, not SA use. Keep the ideas coming folks!
What I do think we as a community need to do is start catalouging this stuff. I think I can do the "recover" on this with my IOAB and could post that. As well as basic cracks and the like. Because we all have something to learn. I have to go teach whip class here in a bit and I'll put what was said about The Cairo Flash to practice and we'll see what comes out of it. And I'll edit my description of my current flash to explain it's for general, not SA use. Keep the ideas coming folks!
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I didn't say it in my earlier post, which I do apologize for, but your video was very good. And I'm not all that concerned with screen accuracy either. It's just that when I was a kid back in the mid to late 80's I had a copy of 'RotLA' on VHS that was recorded off of HBO that I watched constantly. At the time I had mexican swivel whip that I got in Tiajuana and I would watch the Cairo market fight over and over, rewind and watch, rewind and watch ... you get the idea.
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Your da man. Spot on... Glad to see you here and fully engaged. I miss you brother.The_Edge wrote:The problem I see with a lot of these “Cairo Flash” (I really hate that term) techniques is that Indy does not just continue throwing the whip while spinning it over his head. Watch what really happens which is far more difficult in execution. After that initial throw, which is basically a cattleman’s crack, Indy brings the whip over his head and resets his throw with his arm and whip all the way behind him. (He does not keep his arm up over his head with the whip in motion.) His arm and the whip actually become relaxed for a split second before he fires the whip forward like he is throwing a baseball. It’s really quite amazing how fast and hard he is throwing that whip. It’s a heavy handed throw that the DM whip is perfectly suited for.
Thanks for the video hollywood1340!

Great video Aeris, I completely missed that. If I could only bring my PC to an isolated place and watch these videos just before practicingAeris_Canon wrote: But here it is again with the frame in frame comparison.
Cairo Whip Choreography

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Who called this the "Cairo Flash"? Personally, I like the old name - Throw-Marion-in-the-Buggy combo ;-)
- hollywood1340
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It all depends on the balance of your whip. In the end, the "Moves" of these flashes are the same, tempo and artistic merit not withstanding. Break it down and do it move, by move. Add the recovery for the SA, or keep it moving for the flow. Either way it comes down to basics, basics, basics. Underhand, Circus, Forwad, Forward. No matter what the length or maker or purpose. Underhand, Circus, Forward, Forward.
Last edited by hollywood1340 on Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- IndyFrench
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Yes, I can execute the "X" slashing he does in the deleted scene. Thanks in large part to Sergei helping me in L.A. get the forward throw right, I was able to then modify that throw diagonally (down and to the left) and then bring the whip back up for a second crack in the reverse (down and to the right).
- hollywood1340
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I always liked Paul Stenhouse's description of the underhand crack from his DVD (I don't think it's available anymore, if you can find one it's a great DVD). It went something like, "it's a little jerky lay the whip behind you...pull the whip forward and give it a shot" or something like that. When you combine what he says with the visual it makes perfect sense!
im confused....
whats the definative Cairo flash?
there was some earlier discussion about not being concerned with "Screen accuracy" but that confuses me because, if you are not trying to do what Harrison did in that scene then its NOT a cairo flash. you could just put together ANY combo and call it a cairo flash if thats the case?
just a learner... slowly learning
whats the definative Cairo flash?
there was some earlier discussion about not being concerned with "Screen accuracy" but that confuses me because, if you are not trying to do what Harrison did in that scene then its NOT a cairo flash. you could just put together ANY combo and call it a cairo flash if thats the case?
just a learner... slowly learning
- hollywood1340
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- LemonLauren
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To answer your question, no - you can't just combine any cracks you want and call it a "Cairo Flash." LOL ;-). An excellent video of one of our own COW members replicating the whip scene in Cairo can be found here:
http://adventure-realm.com/Hosted_Vids/ ... whip_a.mpg
If you have trouble getting it to load (I did), right click it to download it onto your computer then play it from there.
Hollywood1340's video of the "Cairo Flash," as several people have noted is somewhat close, but still a little different from what Harrison Ford did.
Hope that helps!
Lauren Wickline
To answer your question, no - you can't just combine any cracks you want and call it a "Cairo Flash." LOL ;-). An excellent video of one of our own COW members replicating the whip scene in Cairo can be found here:
http://adventure-realm.com/Hosted_Vids/ ... whip_a.mpg
If you have trouble getting it to load (I did), right click it to download it onto your computer then play it from there.
Hollywood1340's video of the "Cairo Flash," as several people have noted is somewhat close, but still a little different from what Harrison Ford did.
Hope that helps!
Lauren Wickline
LemonLauren wrote:Shagbd,
To answer your question, no - you can't just combine any cracks you want and call it a "Cairo Flash." LOL ;-). An excellent video of one of our own COW members replicating the whip scene in Cairo can be found here:
http://adventure-realm.com/Hosted_Vids/ ... whip_a.mpg
If you have trouble getting it to load (I did), right click it to download it onto your computer then play it from there.
Hollywood1340's video of the "Cairo Flash," as several people have noted is somewhat close, but still a little different from what Harrison Ford did.
Hope that helps!
THank YOU!
I have been having MAD troujble with that video... but i got it now...
so basically, its not REALLY even and underhand... its just a SWING back into a overhand flick, pause and another overhand flick/throw?
is that what im seeing?
Lauren Wickline
- hollywood1340
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Nice video Hollywood1340! I think this will be very useful to a lot of learners.
I appreciate reading what The_Edge writes on the Marion in the Buggy sequence. When I was a teenager I had a super8 camera and editor. I filmed the 'Marion in the Buggy' sequence direct from the tv screen (from the Making Of documentary) and watched this many times both on my editor and slow speed on my projector. The comments re DM whips, plus the description of this particular sequence is spot on imo.
I also learned the deleted X crack, which I'm now relearning. One of my specialities back then was breaking bottles, using a cattleman's or snakekiller style crack, which is something I do not recommend as it is dangerous from shards of glass possibly hurting someone. Splitting drink cans in half instead is much safer (which I haven't tried yet).
I filmed myself in super8 doing these two cracks from Raiders (Cairo sequence, and the deleted X), so I got to know them very well. I had to do all this self discovery back then as I had no teacher and had to teach myself how to crack a bullwhip. At the time I thought I was a bit nerdy about the whole thing, but looking back I see only a happy kid enjoying himself and making some great discoveries.
Like Mr Delongis, I also had not been sporty at school, but when I first saw a bullwhip being cracked on the big screen I thought it was the most theatrical thing I'd ever seen, and knew I had to try it.
I appreciate reading what The_Edge writes on the Marion in the Buggy sequence. When I was a teenager I had a super8 camera and editor. I filmed the 'Marion in the Buggy' sequence direct from the tv screen (from the Making Of documentary) and watched this many times both on my editor and slow speed on my projector. The comments re DM whips, plus the description of this particular sequence is spot on imo.
I also learned the deleted X crack, which I'm now relearning. One of my specialities back then was breaking bottles, using a cattleman's or snakekiller style crack, which is something I do not recommend as it is dangerous from shards of glass possibly hurting someone. Splitting drink cans in half instead is much safer (which I haven't tried yet).
I filmed myself in super8 doing these two cracks from Raiders (Cairo sequence, and the deleted X), so I got to know them very well. I had to do all this self discovery back then as I had no teacher and had to teach myself how to crack a bullwhip. At the time I thought I was a bit nerdy about the whole thing, but looking back I see only a happy kid enjoying himself and making some great discoveries.
Like Mr Delongis, I also had not been sporty at school, but when I first saw a bullwhip being cracked on the big screen I thought it was the most theatrical thing I'd ever seen, and knew I had to try it.