Four weeks to the day, without "warning". without signature, and seemingly without any Customs hassles, the authentic goat Raiders is here. Looks like it was shipped on April 10. The color looks good. It doesn't appear gray to me as I have read previously. The stitching looks good. The fit is fine (I ordered just a 42 reg as the size chart looked right compared to my actual measurements). The skin is soft. It is glossy, as many have noted. It's just a kick. Too bad it's been 85 plus here. I think cooler later in the week, though.
These pics don't do much to show off the jacket, but do show that my "5-1/2 year old" daughter has worn it more than I have so far!
Hey Cabinetman,
One of these days I'm gonna drive over and see ya. It would be great to have a look at that coat up close. I'll let you see my 5 year old "not so new" wested.
Who's whip are you getting?
I just got a matching pair of Joe Strains Lone Stars delivered today.
'Round about the end of June, I should be receiving one of Jim's (ECWHips) latest creations of the 8' Indy variety. Looking forward to getting together sometime. I am over in Chatham fairly often. Actually, I just started a job there, and there should be another before Summer's end. I also have a job in Sherman, due in September.
But not to get off topic...
Since I didn't ask for any special modifications to my authentic goat, I thought it would be helpful for others to get some really good pictures up here (sans the little lady), as well as measurements of a "stock" jacket. Peter told me 95% of the time, people order the standard jacket and are quite pleased (myself being one of them now). Now, this is a size 42R, but I figure things like pocket placement and size would be pretty much the same for, say, 38 to 44? I don't know. If I get a minute this weekend, I'll get to work on that and post accordingly.
You did it!!!! Post pictures of those puppies! Man that is awesome. I didn't think anyone here would order the lonestars from Joe. Tell me how you like them?
BTW, Cabinetman. Great pictures of your new jacket and daughter. Have many happy adventures!