Overall, I'm happy of how it turned out. It ain't perfect, but for my first try, I think I got pretty close. There are a couple of details I will modify for the next "production" whips, but in general my KOTCS whip will look like this.
Rather than following the simpler aproach of making a regular Indy whip in Whisky and with different (and darker) knots, I went ahead and copied as closely as possible Terry Jacka's style. However, I did not follow his design or construction.
I used a construction similar to my Indy whips, with 2 kangaroo bellies, 2 bolsters and a 12 plait roo overlay. Since the Jacka whip is thicker in both handle and thong than a Morgan style whip, I modified the core so as to increase the whip's outside diameter, and match the Jacka's external dimentions.
The handle on this one consist of a heavy 8-inch spike, and the butt is loaded with lead for balance. I also reinforced the transition zone to give the whip its characteristic handling.
I payed attention to all the little details, like the thin and long 4-plait wrist loop, the fall hitch, the finely cut overlay, the 8 strand point, the shape of the knots, etc.
Below are the pics comparing it to my modified Jacka. Hope you like it. Comments are welcome

Btw, this whip is for sale. Just send me an email for payment info and details: info@delcarpiowhips.com