Reply from email to HJ
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- Dakota Ellison
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Reply from email to HJ
Knowing full well the HJ website is for their military headgear, I emailed them with some questions and here is the reply:
The felt usually comes from Belgium. We still have the original block for this hat and suggest you call our store on either a Wednesday or a Friday and speak with Mr Richard Swales who made the original Indiana Jones hat, who will also be able to advise as to availability and also respond to any further questions you may have.
The felt usually comes from Belgium. We still have the original block for this hat and suggest you call our store on either a Wednesday or a Friday and speak with Mr Richard Swales who made the original Indiana Jones hat, who will also be able to advise as to availability and also respond to any further questions you may have.
Same blocks, huh. My other theory was that HJ's other felts (post Raiders), wouldn't take the shape of the block the same as the Raiders felt. Very interesting. Cheers
Last edited by Rundquist on Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- 3thoubucks
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The question that begs to be asked is, does this mean that the Raiders fedora was the same height as the LC fedora? At one time, a few years ago, I was under the impression that HJ blocked their hats. Then this thing came up about the Raiders being not only a different felt, but a taller block. After looking at Mike's HJ, it does look very Raiderish from the back. So if this is the truth finally, the LC and Raiders hat are the same height and block. Just a different felt. Fascinating. And hard to swallow. Fedora
- 3thoubucks
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Maybe the reason the Raiders and LC hat look different is that the Raiders hat was bashed and front pinched off center? http://brokenheartsfixedhere.homestead. ... sTurn.html Of course they might mean original LC block, not original Raiders block.
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- cliffhanger
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Questions, questions. Why would they change blocks on the Poet model? That doesn't make sense. Perhaps, the truth is the LC and Raiders fedora were the same height, same block, with the felt being the difference. Still, when I look at the LC hat from the cycle chase scene, the block doesn't look like the same block as the Raiders block. But I have to admit that in some scenes, the raiders fedora doesn't look to be 6 inches tall either. Perhaps we just see more than is actually there.
Sometimes we can scrutinize something to the point that we create differences. Wishy washy, yeah, but it happens.

You had a Fed reblocked by Optimo, didn't you Fedora? It didn't end up looking the same as your Optimo, even though in theory it should have, or did it? The guys at Optimo said that the thinner felt helps give the illusion of hieght. The Akubra Fed and Fed Deluxe is blocked on the same block and they don't look exactly the same. The felt from Raiders was much different than the others. What's the answer? CheersFedora wrote:Questions, questions. Why would they change blocks on the Poet model? That doesn't make sense. Perhaps, the truth is the LC and Raiders fedora were the same height, same block, with the felt being the difference. Still, when I look at the LC hat from the cycle chase scene, the block doesn't look like the same block as the Raiders block. But I have to admit that in some scenes, the raiders fedora doesn't look to be 6 inches tall either. Perhaps we just see more than is actually there.![]()
Sometimes we can scrutinize something to the point that we create differences. Wishy washy, yeah, but it happens.
- Pyroxene
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I know MK and others have visited HJ in London. However, this organization doesn't seem have the association with them like we do other companies.
They obviously seem proud of their product and for good reason. I wonder what it would take and how possible it would be to build a relationship with them.
Just thinking,
They obviously seem proud of their product and for good reason. I wonder what it would take and how possible it would be to build a relationship with them.
Just thinking,
- Michaelson
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From past personal experience with HJ, they have the attitude that they really don't NEED our business, as they have the appointment from the Crown, and therefore are pretty much guaranteed work for the existance of the company. They have no interest in creating any sort of partnership with us, or anyone else for that matter, and deal with us one on one, and depending on the mood of the day, will either make a hat in record time, or when ever they feel like getting around to it. Well, if you can get away with it, and still make a good living, more power to you I suppose. Regards. Michaelson
- 3thoubucks
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A hat bashed and front pinched off center will be a little taller than normal. --------Let's say the average head was 12 inches long and only four inches wide. (Stick with me) The unbashed crown of such a hat would look like a loaf of bread. If you put a one inch deep bash in it, the two inches on either side of the bash would curve and pull down, and take a lot of height off the hat. However, if you bashed the hat at 90 degrees to the first bash, the six inches on either side of the center of the bash would absorb most of the bending and the hat wouldn't loose much height at all. That's an extreme example, but it happens to some degree in a slightly turned hat.========================= Obviosly the total length of said 90 degree bash would be much SHORTER than the lengthwise bash. Compare my hat to Rundquist's hat there- The front angles back so much on mine, because it has that SHORTER bash! There is reverse taper at the back of my hat, but it doesn't make up for all that front angle======
==========I just fugured out why the back of a turned hat has reverse taper. The sides of the crowns of my unbashed Miller and Bosaslino had vetical sides when viewed from the front, and tapering front and back when viewed from the side. The front and back taper remains when you put the hat on normally. However, when you turn the hat, the more vertical sides of the crown are moved to the back of the hat.
Yeah, most blocks that are straight on the sides, still have a taper on the front and back. I think Pyro just got a block that was stovepiped all the way around. I have modified my block to be the same. On a block like this, when you put the top bash in, this causes reverse taper on the back. Even on a block that is tapered on the back, when you put the top bash in, it straightens up the taper. So if you start with no taper, the bash creates reverse taper on the back. I do agree with your theory on turning the hat slightly as this seems to give that characteristic Cairo look to the brim.
Regarding what Rundquist stated about the felt/block combination, I must say that even with the thick felt of the deluxe, the optimo block was very apparent. Placed side by side, they looked almost identical, blockwise, to me. I have found that what gives the appearance of height is the narrowness of the hat as viewed from the front. On whether the blocks were the same on the Raiders hat verseus the LC, for me the jury is still out. I am waiting on the report that Dakota is expecting regarding the specs on an early HJ. There are so many stories floating about, and I can't forget that letter that was posted some time ago from Mr. Swales. He stated a 6 inch crown height. I think most HJs that we see are around 5 1/2. That 1/2 inch may as well be a mile as far as hats are concerned.
Regarding what Rundquist stated about the felt/block combination, I must say that even with the thick felt of the deluxe, the optimo block was very apparent. Placed side by side, they looked almost identical, blockwise, to me. I have found that what gives the appearance of height is the narrowness of the hat as viewed from the front. On whether the blocks were the same on the Raiders hat verseus the LC, for me the jury is still out. I am waiting on the report that Dakota is expecting regarding the specs on an early HJ. There are so many stories floating about, and I can't forget that letter that was posted some time ago from Mr. Swales. He stated a 6 inch crown height. I think most HJs that we see are around 5 1/2. That 1/2 inch may as well be a mile as far as hats are concerned.
- Renderking Fisk
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That's what I wanted to know. I can only conclude that the Raiders block was not used in at least TOD. I still don't know who has the thing (HJ or the original Brazilian hat Co.). It could be that felt availability dictates which block is used. The guys at Optimo did tell me that the Raiders hat uses a lot of felt. It also seems to me that the Herbert Johnson shop has used felts from all over creation to make the Poet. Every one I've seen (whether it be in person or in a pic) has looked different. It instills no confidence in me whatsoever. Of course, if I did get one and didn't like it, I'm sure that I could pawn it off on some sucker,...oops, I mean sell it to a fan that wants an "Indy" hat.Fedora wrote:Regarding what Rundquist stated about the felt/block combination, I must say that even with the thick felt of the deluxe, the optimo block was very apparent. Placed side by side, they looked almost identical, blockwise, to me. I have found that what gives the appearance of height is the narrowness of the hat as viewed from the front. On whether the blocks were the same on the Raiders hat verseus the LC, for me the jury is still out. I am waiting on the report that Dakota is expecting regarding the specs on an early HJ. There are so many stories floating about, and I can't forget that letter that was posted some time ago from Mr. Swales. He stated a 6 inch crown height. I think most HJs that we see are around 5 1/2. That 1/2 inch may as well be a mile as far as hats are concerned.Fedora

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well i don't really consider myself a "sucker". sorry man. i understand that you take a lot of pride in your optimos and that's cool, i'm glad your happy, but don't dog on someone elses stuff. i have an hj and its amazing. i couldn't be happier. and, yes, i am one of the biggest nit pickers there is when it comes to hats. i've seen and felt (no pun intended) an optimo. i think they are great hats. but they don't "scream" indy to me. mine does. i've owned many different hats from lk to fed to pb and my hj is the best overall. i really like the optimos, but the thing is, they look like optimos being an indy hat, not an indy hat made by optimo. if that makes any sense. again, we're all entitled to our opinion and that's what makes this place great, but there's no need to call people suckers just because their tastes differ. just my thoughts.....Of course, if I did get one and didn't like it, I'm sure that I could pawn it off on some sucker,...oops, I mean sell it to a fan that wants an "Indy" hat.