Raiders Hat VS. Crystal Skull....

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Raiders Hat VS. Crystal Skull....

Post by joeyofarimathea »

i just got this quote from Marc....

"The Raiders crease vs. the CS crease is the lack of the tight front pinch on the CS hat and the lack of the turn . "

i understand the tight front pinch but im not clear on the "turn"? can someone describe the term "turn" please? also which hat has the "lack of turn" the Raiders or CS?

Thanks for reading,

Joey (JOA)
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Ok, The Raiders hat was turned, the Crystal Skull hat was not. For more on this I'm going to turn this over :D from a topic a page or so back.
Johnny Fedora wrote: As far as turning the hat there are a few thoughts on this. (And I know going into it that I'll leave something out but...) As near as we can tell (thanks 3 thoubucks and Steve) the Raiders Fedora was in key sequences and I quote..."The front pinch in the Raiders crown was installed about 2/3 of a inch OFF CENTER. Therefore, the hat was worn "turned" about 2/3 inch OFF CENTER.
Thus, every element of the hat is asymmetrical, and, the hat is actively coping with distortion, giving it a certain lively tension." To sum up, it's this turn that gives the Raiders Fedora the distinctive brim warp and thus adds to the look so many of us look for in the Raiders hat. For more info on this check Reverse engineering at its' finest.

Hope that helps! :wink:

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Post by IndyParise »

Take a search around, for "Raiders turn". In Raiders, the hat is turned, as is to say it was placed on Ford's head and rotated to the right a ways. This gives that mis-shapen brim we see in Raiders.
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Post by IndyFrench »

Which makes it look rockin' awesome!
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Post by sebas »

Aside from the pinch and turn, it was my understanding that the CS brim isn't as wide/swooping as the Raiders brim, right?
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Post by IndyFan89 »

This was kind of already disscused.
