Fellow Wested lambtouch cowhide owners..... help needed

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Fellow Wested lambtouch cowhide owners..... help needed

Post by CEEJAY928 »

Question for all wested "lambtouch cowhide" owners.....

Have anyone of you worn your lambtouch cowhide in
75-85 degree weather? Do you feel comfortable, that
the jacket doesn't make you too hot, or break a sweat.

I was so settled with the goat because of this issue, but
I love how the lambtouch cowhide looks, and people
say it draps like a lamb.

Please reply. this will help me a lot (I hope) [-o<

Captain D
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Post by Captain D »

Hey there!

I know that I may not be the greatest help here on the forum about the lambtouch because I don't own one....but.....

At the PA Summit, I had the honor to meet both, Mike and Renderking Fisk. Both of them have a Lambtouch Cowhide from Wested. I tried both of them on, and I was "impressed" indeed. They were very comfortable, and they definitely felt as if I was wearing a "lambskin" jacket. The drape and feel of the Lambtouch felt exactly like the lambskin. I forget how warm it was that day...but I am guessing that it was round' 65 degrees or so. But I'd imagine that the lambtouch would feel quite comfortable in that temperature since it is not a heavy or bulky jacket.

As for Goatskin, I have a Wested Goatskin. The Goatskin is not much heavier than the Lambtouch or Lambskin....I don't think it has "quite" the drape that the Lambtouch or Lambskin has, but it doesn't drape too bad based on my experiences with it. Plus, the Goatskin is one of the toughest leathers out there. Perhaps someone out there in the forum can help better than I can, lol, but good luck and no matter what jacket you get, it will be a great one from Wested indeed.

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Guys… it was about 65-70 that day and I was very comfortable. On average, I can wear the Lambstouch Cow up to 75 degree’s before it gets uncomfortable. Colder weather though, the authentic lamb would do the trick.
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