Backup Boots?

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Castor Dioscuri
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Backup Boots?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Hi all, I need some advice...

I've already (as of January this year) got a pair of 405's, but I'm planning on buying a backup pair. The thing is, I want to get a backup pair not to wear regularly, or infrequently, but literally as a backup pair, for use only when my current pair should no longer be usable.

My question is, do you suppose that if I buy a pair of 405's now, not wear them for a few years, and treat them with Pecards at least bi-annually, will they be in 'brand-new' condition when I do come around to wearing them?

The reason I plan on buying them this early is because I'm just worried that in a few years, they will end up costing twice what they are now...

So do you suppose that this regiment will be worth it, giving me a pair of boots in the same condition that I got them in when I decide to use them? Or will the leather decay and shrink regardless, making it better if I just had waited and bought a brand new pair when the time comes?
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Mark Brody
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Post by Mark Brody »

I'd guess that the reason for the price increase is because of the release of the 4th movie. Unless a 5th is in the works, they'll probably only increase the price as the economy inflates. I don't think you'll really save any money buying them now. In fact, I'd wait before I'd get a pair, 'cause you know it'll be a while before the price goes up again.

But what do I know about economics? I majored in aviation. Now there's a thriving industry! :?
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Post by amlai »

Prices for Alden shoes went up for all shoes, not just the 405s. Increases usually ranged from 20-40 a pair. From an Alden dealer, he said they had their usual reasons: inflation, weak dollar, increased production costs, etc.
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