Took my brand new S&W M1917 (the newly manufactured reproduction version) to the range last night. I brought along my vintage S&W .38 Special revolver (I call it my Barney Fife as it looks identical to Don Knott's gun in Andy Griffith) for comparison.
After a few rounds with the .38 to warm up, the first loaded moon clip was dropped into the cylinder of the massive N frame and aim was taken. KABOOM!
Using the hair trigger, I confess I still wasn't properly braced for the raw power of this weapon. Being a Tennessee boy, I've fired pretty much everything short of an M-60 at one time or another, but it's been a LONG time, admittedly.
I understand now why Indy wore those gloves most of the time, as the texture of the grips chafes ones palms between the thumb and index finger when the monster bucks! Also, the size and savage nature of the holes the .45 ACP put though the paper target in direct comparison to the .38 Special rounds was staggering.
I was so stunned, it took me to the fourth round to somewhat tame the beast and peg the bullseye. All I could think of was the Ravenwood Bar fight and that second shot he fires as he runs for the cover of the back door. The kick and the power of the shot. Intense.
Yes, I was wearing ear and eye protection AND my Adventurebilt! Next time I go, which will be soon, I plan to bring the camcorder and post a YouTube video of the Raiders gun in action.
Now if I can just figure out a good way to get these empty cases out of these moon clips without ripping my thumbs off...