UC Indiana Jones Bowie

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UC Indiana Jones Bowie

Post by BarnettCollege »

I dunno if anyone posted this picture before, but anyway, I think it is a collector piece.

UC emited this item in 1997 as a tribute to our hero. Now a days, this is a difficult to find item. I got mine today and I want to share it's certificarte of authenticity, a prop collector doc.

Bowie is a really beautiful piece and an interesting addition to any collection.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2073/224 ... 43de_b.jpg


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Post by Michaelson »

I came within a whisker of purchasing one of these when they came out back then....but just couldn't justify the cost at the time. It was a decision of putting food on the table, or this in the collection.

My wife convinced me the food was the best choice at the time. :( :wink:

If you want to see a HUGE example of this knife, go to the Smokey Mountain Knife Works at Gatlinburg, TN. They have one in a glass display (or they did a couple years ago) that was close to 4 feet long and about 5 inches wide!

Regards! Michaelson

Post by whipwarrior »

No, it came out long before 1997. I purchased mine from The Edge catalog back in 1993, and the certificate of authenticity is dated 1989 Lucasfilm Ltd. I remember first seeing the knife at the United Cutlery store in our local mall during the summer of 89, but my parents refused to buy it for me because I was only ten years old. Of course they changed their tune a couple years later! :D
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Post by BarnettCollege »

Great point Whipwarrior :) . I was talking about the 2nd edition, with the wall plaque.

I think that blade gives some Style to my Indy collection.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2334/224 ... eda3_b.jpg
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2210/224 ... 09fa_b.jpg
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2006/224 ... e4ab_b.jpg
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2152/224 ... 9645_b.jpg

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Post by whipwarrior »

I love that plaque! I saw it in a knife magazine a few years after I bought mine, and wanted it so bad! So I made a knock-off wooden display plaque in shop class, except I used bathroom mirror wall mounts to hold the blade because I couldn't make wood pieces that small without breaking.
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Post by IndyFrench »

Whipwarrior - your story about the '89 trip to the mall and the refusal of the parents to buy it until 1993 is IDENTICAL to mine! I think we're both 1978 models? I was 10 in half of '89 as well.


Post by whipwarrior »

1979 actually. "You were good, you were very, very good." :D
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Post by ortiz344 »

my problems with it are unfortunately,
1)it doesnt really look SA to me , for any character in the movie
2)i KNOW it shouldnt have indiana jones written on the blade or the scabbard

id love to get a nice accurate thugee cutlass or indys machete if anyone knows a place lmk
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