Requiem for a Webley

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Requiem for a Webley

Post by IndyFrench »

Well everyone,

After almost three years of ownership and regular careful cleaning and maintenance of my 1917 Webley MKVI, I finally took it to one of the best gunsmiths in Atlanta (according to many I spoke with in the know) and left it with them for needed repairs.

I had never fired it, nor planned to, but the hammer wouldn't lock back so I thought they might be able to help. The pistol is a .45 ACP convert with a very clean bore, but alas I got the call today from the gunsmith.

The prognosis: Unserviceable.

They said they could custom gunsmith some of the internal parts, but the main problem is the cylinder itself - too much play and that makes for an unsafe situation if someone ever fancied on firing it. Even if the cylinder was properly functional, it would cost more than the value of the gun to replicate the parts inside.

The gunsmith was very nice about it and told me that I had taken immaculate care of the frame and bore (I cleaned it every few months). He encouraged me to keep the gun as it is because it has matching serial numbers. I have destined this piece for a classy shadow box, maybe with a matted photo of Lawrence of Arabia.

I wish I could say this Webley saw action in World War I and/or World War II, but the lack of any king's crown stamps on it would suggest otherwise, though there appear to be arrows on all the parts (I hope these are British government "broad arrows"). Still, a rare and beautiful revolver from a bygone era.

I think 91 years is a good run. Rest in peace ol' Web'.

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Post by The Steel Beast »

Too bad, that would be a nice piece, I have had several, and yes the arrows are the famed British "broad arrow" of military ownership.
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

Certainly is a beautiful weapon. I believe that that tendency to go loose in the cylinder is why they were nicknamed "Wobbleys."
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Re: Requiem for a Webley

Post by The Pilot »

IndyFrench wrote:the main problem is the cylinder itself - too much play and that makes for an unsafe situation if someone ever fancied on firing it. Even if the cylinder was properly functional, it would cost more than the value of the gun to replicate the parts inside.
I checked out Numrich ( and they seem to be out of most spares. Still, if you do some digging you might be able to find the parts you need. There's a guy over at GB who sells cylinders. He has a webpage too, but I didn't look for it before posting.

But is it the cylinder itself that is faulty? Or is it the pawl/hand? If you can find out exactly which part is worn, you may be able to find one.

I haven't fired my Webley yet. Too cold and wet out. I was concerned at first because the cylinder didn't seem to lock up. I discovered that it doesn't fully lock unless the trigger is pulled. That is, when the hammer is cocked and the pawl engages, it locks up tight.
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Post by Pyroxene »

The external leaf spring on the right side of mine just popped off one day. The cylinder of mine is very wobbly too. I just keep it oiled and clean. That's about all you can do for them.

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